MOSPEADA profile picture


a dedicated few.

About Me

I felt compelled to write some sort of mission statement for this page, something that made Mospeada appear powerful and intriguing, and that made me seem knowledgable and sensitive. I can't. It is the same when I want my voice to destroy microphones like Captain Beefheart's, or sound smart like Bob Dylan's, or confrontational like Mark E. Smith's, or impossibly sad like Wayne Coyne's. . . the list could go on. Sometimes it drives me crazy that I am not these people. Walter Mosely sums up my feelings when he writes: "It's like artists see a different place, a higher place, while I'm on the level of some stray dog who only knows how to hunt for pussy and food in a world that's black and white." This said, the whole point of this page is to describe Mospeada, not my personal insecurities. Mospeada isn't the Fall or the Flaming Lips, and it certainly isn't the Magic Band, but that is alright. At the risk of sounding silly, it is three people who have a great love for (or unhealthy obsession with) music. We are friends in it because we need it, striving to be be artists, and in the process learning that food and pussy aren't so bad. We can't be another band, which is why we are Mospeada. -Alex

My Interests


Member Since: 9/19/2005
Band Members: Alex:guitar, synths, horns, recording, vocals Gabriel:drums, guitar, synths, vocals Fernando:bass, drums, synths
Influences: Captain Beefheart, The Fall, Guided By Voices, Joy Division, Pavement, David Bowie, Galaxie 500, Mogwai, Polvo, Fly Pan Am, Neutral Milk Hotel, Broken Social Scene, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Stooges, Beach Boys, New Order, Tortoise, The Wedding Present, Sunburned hand of the Man, Eric's Trip, Swirlies, My Bloody Valentine, Velvet Underground, Eno,The Durutti Column, Spacemen 3, Journey, Adam and the Ants, B-52's, Slint, Duran Duran, The Field Mice, House of Love, Mercury Rev, Frank Zappa, Neu!, Deerhoof, Silver Jews, Do Make Say Think, Stockhausen, Acid Mothers Temple, Wilco, Archie Shepp, Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, Boo Radleys, High Llamas, PapaM/AerialM/M is the thirteenth letter/Pajo, Unwound, Beatnik Filmstars, Comets On Fire, Sunn0)))).......
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: None