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Home from the war with a party in his head and an idea for a fireworks display

About Me

Teletubbies has died:I've got something sticky in my boot. Perhaps it is the chewing gum I lost. I told the barkeep not to let me have anything other than gymsocks. "bollocks" he said unto me. "sweet potato Gin then", I replied. He looked at me quite strangely. "what is the matter, old friend?" I Asked. He went into a frenzy, as he tried hard to make me understand that I was not his friend, or at least that he was not My friend. "hey,buddy!" he said at last. "I am not."was my reply. "if I was, then why can't you give me the molded weasel in your hand?" "there is no such sillyness in my hand", he said with a confused look upon his face. "hang on", I said. I started feeling through my pockets. The bouncer approached me, looking sinister. "and what is going on here?" he asked, seeming quite uninterested in my reply. He knew perfectly well what was going on. "FOOL!" was my immediate response. They both backed away from me. It appeared to be the case, that I, the lone wanderer, found myself in a tight spot. These two chubby men gave not a single sound. There were about ten other people in the pub. They were all silent. Looking at me. Staring. I started wondering why. So, I asked. "why are you looking at me?" And at that moment, if they could, they would go even more silent than they had been already. I started hearing christmas carrols inside my head. A guy that had been looking over my shoulder the entire time, pricked me on my shoulder. "What!" I bursted out. "As I see it, there is no coherence in your story whatsoever." I was shocked at such indecency. "What do you mean?" I said. "Well," he started. "why do you invent drinks to ask the bartender for that you certainly know doesn't exist?"Sweet Potato Gin?! And the frenzy! What Is that? A barkeep would NEVER go into a FRENZY over you calling him your friend! Goddammit! Are you stupid or something? And. WhaT IS a molded weasel? Do you even know what it is yourself? And then you have the incoherent part with the feeling through your pocket! What are you supposed to be looking fo? A weapon of some sort? Well, how Original!" He made brackets with his two fingers, both hands. The christmas carrol continued playing inside my head as I took the bloody razor out of my pocket. In the other hand I held what had put a sock in the mouth of the entire bar: A luminescent, evil-looking teddybear made from the skin and brain-tissue of twenty-two taiwanese child labourers. It had a patch in the neck, stating that it was made from twenty-two not-so-hard-working-anymore, yet not exactly liberated taiwanese child-labourers. I went back out of my grotesquity-chamber. I realized I was sitting in a squatted house in Oxford in the middle of summer, listening in on a conversation revolving around bacteriae and marriage, coming from the first floor-rooms somewhere. My eyes started feeling cold, as I had had them opened for a longer period of time...

My Interests

I feverishly started flipping through the pages of my "survivors guide to street weirdness" until i found what i was looking for: the section on "how to reply unintelligibly with impossible-to-understand-scottish-accent to a random question". It said: "upon encounters with inquiries concerning explanation of road-directions within the city you are situated in, stare vacantly into the air in front of you, approximately forty five degrees to the right, middle part of the querent. , (your left) for about forty eight seconds, being completely silent." I flipped to the next page. "should the rare question; "are you all right?", occur, reply in a firm, very rude voice, as if you were speaking to your least favourite neighbour's, least favourite, always-barking-shitting-everywhere-dog: "SILENCE!", followed by a very subtle, very weak-sounding;"...i need to think...". When the forty eight seconds have passed, make sure that your first immediate response to the person, is something in the nature of: "Ya'dnt 've s'me cains ta spare? ifyad'nt,i'll TAK'EM OFF'YA!" When they admit they haven't any spare change, don't hold back! they probably have lots, they would rather have a hickey or two. kiss and make up. This came as quite a shock to me. I was SURE i had read this part in the book before, and thought it stated that one should wait approximately forty three seconds, not AT ALL forty eight! I decided to take it upon myself to investigate, as there clearly were more mistakes made in this possibly bogus book.

I'd like to meet:

Quiet contemplation of what I leave behind Listening to the shadows making up my mindDust and crackellations Making out my past Spoken from aboveChaining me eternal Never to have love


My approach to the matter was simple. It was arranged in three different levels: One- writing a letter to the publisher, the writer, the writer's lawyer, the writer's lawyer's mother, the writer's lawyer's mother's best friend (Caroline), and , of course, the council on foreign relations. Two- Making a video recording of myself (wearing a ski mask for my own anonymity) performing the 313 described situations from the book. there were some difficulties filming the one where it is explained "how to respond to a beggar in a large bank. There were no beggars there in the outset, so i had to improvise by picking out random, important-looking customers entering the bank. Seeing as the method of handling beggars in a major bank mainly consists of yelling "I HAVE NO MONEY! GIVE ME YOURS INSTEAD!" While holding index finger stretched out in pocket, (being more polite, as pointing directly is not very polite). Three- Pretending interest in giving the publisher or some random empoyee in the company, or another company, a large donation for their efforts in the new-age-scene, while having at all times ready a perfectly functioning stun gun, carrying about 250 000 volts. this, in turn, to neutralize the probably fake writer, and/or publisher (or random employee), put them in their parents old living room to confuse them as much as possible before stuffing them with cake of the finest danish sort. This until they admit to the horrible, horrible crime of counterfeiting my very favourite book of many, on this subject.


In general, i have to the best of my knowledge never seen any "films".


I was hoping to avoid this subject, but since they insist, I must say, this is very. in the end, we must all agree that it actually is. and no sweettalking will ever turn us away from the that one! (just thought you should know.)


Hey! I'm not even smart enough to have a starsign! how can i be smart enough to read books?


Fuckers, Twats, and in general, the cock. must respect the cock.