Joel Ezequiel profile picture

Joel Ezequiel

About Me

I'm a young teacher who lives in a little town of Aguascalientes state (México). The name of this town is San José de Gracia. My house is sitted exactly in the center of the place, is back of the principal church of the town, the street in wich this is located has for name Francisco I. Madero, the number is # 103. My complete name is Joel Ezequiel cervantes Hernández. I was born an saturday, june/30/year 1979. Street in wich live, called "the new Abbey Road". Through of theraphies regressives I was explored the reencarnation world and through of many investigations discovered that I was one of the famous Beatles, specifing John Winston Lennon Stanley. My passions are the music, foot-ball soccer, the poetry , also I..m singer-song writter. And a pupil very adventaged of guitar. My preferances in musical styles: the more psychedelics. .. I..m an apassioned of the love and romances.

My Interests

I like to study esoterich and hide sciencies. in little words the universe secrets.

I'd like to meet:

Practly I know all the people than I wish, still it..s be by internet.


Above doo-woop, soul, gospel, oldies, Original rock and roll, acid and psichedelych rock, hard rock and heavy metal.


All that that have to see with travels in the time and war heroes. also of middle age, crusades Knights


Documentals and spectacules.


About reincarnation, astrology, spiritism and similar sciences.


Ernesto "CHE" Guevara and Jesuschrist.

My Blog

My Past lives in the Region of the U.K.

Well for beginning I..ll say that the product of this investigation - work, have been foundamented of the better possible form, this had like base works about astrological and numerological studies. P...
Posted by Joel Ezequiel on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 06:36:00 PST

A little more about my past lives

!HI¡, at all the people that have been interested in to know more of my personality and ideas, the objective of to present this information is not with the proposite of to do a cult for some religion ...
Posted by Joel Ezequiel on Fri, 23 May 2008 06:48:00 PST

To contact with Richard and the boys

¡ Hello, Richard Ashcroft ¡, my name is Joel Ezequiel, im from a little town of Aguascalientes (state of México), my profession is teacher, some many common in this region. Some years ago I have been ...
Posted by Joel Ezequiel on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:43:00 PST