Hmmmm....there are so many! The two most significant right now are partner dancing (Lindy, blues, balboa, charleston, etc) and learning to take care of pregnant moms and deliver babies in midwifery school. And yes, those two were listed in order of importance. JK. Other than that, horses are still in my blood. Family and friends. My dogs, Laila Ali and Rosie. Being outside (when it isn't colder than the Arctic Circle). Piano and guitar and occasionally the flute. Reading non-scholastic books. Knitting. MySpace. Movies, but not too often. And those are the only things in life that I like. Not really, I pretty much like everything. ...'cept mushrooms...I am not interested in mushrooms...they taste like dirt and I don't like'em!
A guy who is a good lead (dance lead that is, for all my non-dancing friends), has a great voice, plays at least 10 instruments, is a good listener, is a good communicator, will do all the house work, has a car, has a job, can tie at least 300 cherry stems with his tounge in less than a 15 seconds, who is a gormet cook, wants to have at least 20 kids, likes dogs, cats, armadillos, and horses, but not panda bears, will dance with me anytime anywhere, can drive better than me (not difficult), likes sushi and unbaked chocolate chip cookies (not necessarily together), gives good hugs often, likes Steele Magnolias, and hates TV.
P.S. Will consider waving all other qualifications as long as the first is met.
P.S.S. This is a laugh.
I like just about every kind of music. Country makes me feel like I'm home working in the barn again, and it's also what me and my sisters usually goof off and act like idiots to, so it has a special place in my heart. Rascal Flatts is my all time favorite. It's really hard to beat some good Blues music...classic rock is way up there as well.
Phantom of the Opera, The Notebook, Mulan, Emperor's New Groove
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Firefly, Will and Grace
I haven't had a lot of time for non-school books lately, but if I remember back to the golden days when there was time for recreational far as inspirational books, I liked The Sacred Romance - John Eldrige and Let Me Be a Woman - Elisabeth Elliott. Just for fun reading... Phantom of the Operah - Gaston Lareoux, Little Women - Louisa May Alcott, Gone With the Wind - can't remember who wrote it, and pretty much anything written by Bodie Theone. These days reading consists of class notes and textbooks, and my Bible...though not nearly often enough.
You are Psalms.
I don't know about the song part, but other than that it's crazy how accurate that is.
My mom. She's amazing!!!