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Philine Papillon

About Me

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------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ PHILINE PAPILLON was born near Berlin, GDR. She grew up in Poland and Germany. At the age of 4 she started studing ballet, was playing children roles in numerous theatres ... and was always singing. After school, she received a scholarship for a diplom study in NY, USA. She finished her study within 3 mounths, and began singing in the "Mamma Mia!" North America Tour, playing Goodrich/Hacketts "Anne Frank" in the "MN State Theatre", as well as "Irina" in A. Cechovs "Three Sisters". She also was hosting a daily radio show at "Jazz 88 FM". After her time in the US, she received another scholarship to study acting at the "St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy" in Russia. During her study she started to create her own Chanson programs. Her first solo program "Marlene & Zarah" opened in the "Academy Theatre". Three other programs followed: * "Russian Romances" (Original Russian Compositions, songs by Alexandra, together with Ludmila Anatolevna, Piano: Viktor Tatlev) * "An evenig in Soho - Brecht!" (Solo, Piano: Valentin Vassiunin) * "Love songs for an angel" (Solo,Piano: Valentin Vassiunin) Those programs took place in several cabaret theatres and festivals, hotels, as well as in the St. Petersburg "Comedy Theatre", "Cafe Kreisch", ... and the "Theatre Festival" in Novgorod and Moscow. Since February 2008 she is living in Berlin, working as an actress and singer. For more information place vistit: ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- "Komm ich jetzt aufs Titelblatt vom Wachturm?" AdK 07 ------- Danke an Volker, fürs zusenden!--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- GROßE PROFESSIONALITÄT. SIE IST UNVERSCHÄMT AUSDRUCKSVOLL, UND ABSOLUT SICHER. EIN LEBENSHUNGRIGES WESEN, SUCHEND, MIT HOLLAENDER IM MUND. ... GERADE BEI DEN "LIEDERN EINES ARMEN MÄDCHENS" VERSTEHT SIE ES, SICH KLEIN ZU MACHEN, UM MIT DER ÜBERZEUGUNG IHRES PUBLIKUMS ZU WACHSEN. "OH MOND" IST MEIN LIEBLINGSLIED. DIESE KLEINE PERSON, MIT DEN GROßEN GRÜNEN AUGEN, IST EINE, DIE ETWAS ZU SAGEN HAT, BEVOR SIE SINGT. SIE IST PHANTASTISCH. UND EBENSO IST ES IHR PIANIST. MARIANNE BEAR, Jazzsängerin ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------

My Interests


Member Since: 14/12/2007
Band Website:
Influences: Musical, Jazz, Chanson, Song
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


    IN DEN ABENDWIND GEFLÜSTERT   Ein Abend über das Erwachsenwerden.     Philine Papillon webt einen Abend voller Geschichten um das Erwachsenwerden und präsentiert Friedric...
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 13:08:00 GMT

Kritik der SPZ

"WO SIND DIE TRÄNEN VON GESTERN ABEND?" EIN ENGEL AUF ABWEGEN Kalkulierte Komik mit viel, viel Gefühl gab es vergangene Woche im Petersburger Komödienhaus zu erleben. Die Rede ist von Philine Papillon...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:26:00 GMT