Hated was started in the summer of 2003. The founding members were Russ W. and Jesse S. Both Jesse and Russ came from previous metal bands that played numerous shows around the Worcester/Boston MA area. Russ guitar style fuses metal riffs with raw emotion. He left the hardcore-driven band, Stankboot, in 2002. Jesse, drummer from Underground Chaos, had just begun tapping into an ear bleeding style of drumming. Collaborating for almost 6 months with no singer or bass player, they had created various sounds and ideas.
Early January 2004, longtime friend and vocalist, Bill S., joined the creative process. His powerful vocals proved to make an explosive combination with the other band members. In these next months, Hated (known then as Trendkill), created four powerful songs. The first song, How Does, is a straight forward testament to hardcore. The second song, a blistering attack of metal guitars, drums, and in-your-face vocals, captured the name, H.A.F. Relapse was a tune that was developed into a melodic and rock- driven orchestration. Finally, Own, an anthem of the metal scene, was written with energy and passion. Heading into the summer of 2004 with no set bass player and a handful of songs, Trendkill played numerous shows. These shows which included many private parties, keg parties, the Annual Lucky Dog Music Hall Barbecue, Battle of the Bands at Jillians night club, and an underground show with local favorites, Trauma Concept. Still with no bassist, Trendkill began recording their first demo in the fall of 2004 with the help of engineer/producer Mikey G.
Early 2005, the name Trendkill was dropped and the name Hated surfaced. After graduating from Northeastern University with a degree in Music Industry, longtime friend, Chris G., became Hateds permanent bassist. Bringing to the table a knowledge of music performance and business ethics, Chris finally made the pack complete. With nothing in their way, Hated has started down the long and rewarding road of world domination. So if youre looking for a ride, lend your ears!
Updated Telegram Blog with full transcript of article. To view this article at the Telegram.com click on this link
CD RELEASE PARTY JUNE 30TH.........She'll be handing'em out....So be there!
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