M-Stan profile picture


Rollin' like thunder, under the covers... ..

About Me

I am a fine artist, which in "art speak" means that I'm super hot and I like to paint. I haven't been painting for very long, only since about January '08, but ever since January '08, I've spent a long time painting. I used to be mucho creative, and then I fell victim to the brain juice-sucking wrath of college. I've had about forty-seven majors and I have so many student ID's that I could market them as a collectable Melissa Stanjeski trading card set. Recently, I decided to forever dismiss myself from school so that I may forever commit myself to painting. Out of everything I've ever experienced in my life, paint is the best thing to ever happen to me -- ever. There's almost nowhere I would rather be then at my swanky studio workspace (the kitchen table) gnarled up in a knot with some headphones, some painting utensils, and armed with an infinite hall pass to wherever I want to wander. There's nothing comparable to those undisturbed hours upon hours of getting buck-wild in your own head; Fantasia has no boundaries, and if you know what I know, then you know what I mean. It's the best stuff on Earth.
*Check my paint, it's what makes things go bump-bump in my chest all day. I eat, sleep and dream about it, and when you learn to start seeing it, there is art in everything you see -- real talk.
*Go check my SEMI-skillz in my photo gallery!

My Interests



We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams. World-losers and world-forsakers, Upon whom the pale moon gleams; Yet we are the movers and shakers, Of the world forever, it seems.

*If you can truly appreciate all the reasons why this video rules, then I'd throw punches for you anyday of the week -- real talk.


The NeverEnding Story; Karate Kid; Labyrinth; The Dark Crystal; The Wall and Pan's Labyrinth: all you really need to know about life starring Mr. Miyagi, psychadelic music and puppets.


No doubt, if you could John Malkovich my head out, this is what it'd look like from the inside out:


Dr. Seuss; Mercer Mayer; Shell Silverstein; Ogden Nash; Kurt Vonnegut, and all the other greats how know how to say it so it's heard only by the people who are really listening.


Anybody that can teach me a thing-or-two about a thing-or-two; Jim Henson, The entire cast of Sesame Street and Smokey Robinson.

"I can't rush growing up, I need time."

My Blog

Fuck, Im Hot.

I just put my name in a internet search engine called "Google," (I think it's new because I've never heard of it before) and then I did and image search and this is the first photo that came up: ...
Posted by M-Stan on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 02:23:00 PST

Fishing Trip.

I went fishing for the first time ever today out on the gorgeous Suwanee River. I should have taken a camera--there were a million tiny snapshots available to me all day--but I didn't. I quickly ...
Posted by M-Stan on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 09:56:00 PST

Shren-oohs never Kwa-igh-tuh-errs!

Winners never quit. Quitters never win. Srenniws never Srettiuq. Shren-oohs never Kwa-igh-tuh-errs! A phonenetical pronounciation of the traditional adjective-word spelled backwards (appropriate plura...
Posted by M-Stan on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:28:00 PST