We are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams.
World-losers and world-forsakers,
Upon whom the pale moon gleams;
Yet we are the movers and shakers,
Of the world forever, it seems.
*If you can truly appreciate all the reasons why this video rules, then I'd throw punches for you anyday of the week -- real talk.
The NeverEnding Story; Karate Kid; Labyrinth; The Dark Crystal; The Wall and Pan's Labyrinth: all you really need to know about life starring Mr. Miyagi, psychadelic music and puppets.
No doubt, if you could John Malkovich my head out, this is what it'd look like from the inside out:
Dr. Seuss; Mercer Mayer; Shell Silverstein; Ogden Nash; Kurt Vonnegut, and all the other greats how know how to say it so it's heard only by the people who are really listening.
Anybody that can teach me a thing-or-two about a thing-or-two; Jim Henson, The entire cast of Sesame Street and Smokey Robinson.
"I can't rush growing up, I need time."