glenith paltrow profile picture

glenith paltrow

headline schmedline

About Me

"You're like Mary Tyler Moore." --my mother

My Interests

the realization that i'm worth more than the birds and the lilies and that everything will be okay; reading books; collecting temporary tattoos; watching the same movie over and over again; that one alcoholic beverage at bennigan's in which i cannot taste the alcohol; writing stories; singing along; maximizing wasted time by perfecting the art of procrastination; implausibility; when bands sleep on the floor; vitamin water; making up words; themed parties of the dinner persuasion; autumnal weather; compulsively making to-do lists, but never actually accomplishing the tasks; pomegranate-flavored anything; that feeling you get when you finish something at the last possible second, but finish it nonetheless; slowly embracing spontaneity; happy drunks; the un-party party; that perfect polaroid opportunity; this year, next year, and the one after that; not being that girl; and in some cases, being that girl.

I'd like to meet:

the glass family--more specifically, zooey glass; someone who will participate in a mix cd/mixtape exchange; mandy moore.


right now: anathallo, the velvet teen, braid, someone still loves you boris yeltsin, the dismemberment plan, via audio, illinois, the gloria record, pavement, and anything that makes me tap my foot or bop my head.


hockey movies in the same vein as the mighty ducks trilogy and miracle.


heroes, veronica mars, the adventures of pete and pete, grey's anatomy, and jeopardy!


i like to read; le petit prince by antoine de saint-exupéry , the alchemist by paulo coelho, a prayer for owen meany by john irving, sylvia plath, dave eggers, jd salinger, cs lewis, tom robbins, chuck palahniuk, michael chabon, sarah vowell, david sedaris, douglas coupland, bret easton ellis, jonathan safran foer, tom wolfe, david foster wallace, the unbearable lightness of being by milan kundera, jesus son by denis johnson, ect.


my dad is pretty much the most awesome person, ever, many agree with this sentiment; also, my deaf cat with half a tail, gus.