~♥ Grown_N_Sexy ♥~ profile picture

~♥ Grown_N_Sexy ♥~

Grown N Sexy isn't just a quote to me anymore, I'm actually living the life and I Love It! It feels

About Me

YeA mY nAmE cEkArEyA, bUt DeY cAlL mE mIzZ pReTtY pUsSy a.K.a DeLiCiOuS (wHiCh iS sElF ExPlAiNtOrY)! ImMa dYmE tHaT's tOp oF tHe LiNe I gOtTa cUtE fAcE SlIm WaIsT wItH a bIg bEhInD! StAnDiNg 5'7, BrOwN sKiN, lOnG hAiR, SeXy SmIlE, wItH 6 tO tHe bOtToM DiAmOnD cUt (GoLdS), TaTtEd uP! i"Ve hAd No CoMpLaInTs YeT, TrUsT Me i'M TiGhT wOrK, i GoTtA bAnGiN' sTylE, tIgHt dReSs cOde! i aM TrUeLy A gUtTA bItCh, cLuB hOpPiN, bOoTy sHaKiN' bAd AsS fEmAlE! I pLaY nO gAmEs aNd aS yOu cAn sEe i hOlD iT dOwN fOr oNlY ThE GrOwN_N_sExY!Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts

My Interests

BOYS, BOYS, BOYS ;-} ""rEd wItH dReAds aNd gOlDz_GrAdE A bAby"" GoD***cHuRcH***fAmIlY***pHoNe***mUsIc***cAr***fRiEnDz***fIgH ts***dRaMa***WiLiN' OuT***pArTiEs***dAnCiNg***sInGiN'***FrEe StYliN'***gEt lOoSe oFf dAt gReY gOoSE***sMoKe sMoKe***JeWeLeY***MoNeY***cLoThEs***sHoPpIn'***pReFuMe***sHo eS***sTeLeToS***J'S****fOrCeZ***

I'd like to meet:

Name: CeKaReYa AnAiS oRiOn BrOwN
Birthday: aPrIl 24tH
Eye Color: bRoWn
Hair Color: bLaCk
Height: 5'7
Right Handed or Left Handed: rIgHt
Your Heritage: aFrIcAn AmErIcAn
The Shoes You Wore Today: jOrDaN's a.K.a dUb-ZeRo'S
Your Weakness: mY eX-bOyFrIeNd (u kNoW wHo u bE)
Your Fears: iNsEcTs
Your Perfect Pizza: hAm_N_pInEaPpLe_N_cHeEsE
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: sWiTcH 2 a nEw sChOoL
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "oH OoOkKkAaAyYy"
Thoughts First Waking Up: tHaNx U lOrD, fOr lEtTiNg mE sEe aNotHa dAy
Your Best Physical Feature: mY fAcE...
Your Bedtime: wHeNeVa i gEt oFf tHe pHoNe
Your Most Missed Memory: mE & mY hUsBaNd, hOlDiN' iT dOwN 4 eAcH oThA
Pepsi or Coke: cOkE
MacDonalds or Burger King: mC'dOnAlD's
Single or Group Dates: gRoUp dAteS
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: mY mAmA "sWeEt TeA"
Chocolate or Vanilla: uMm....bOtH
Cappuccino or Coffee: cApPuCcInO
Do you Smoke: i sMoKe, i dRiNk, i'M sUpPoSe 2 sToP, bUt i cAn'T
Do you Swear: nO, iT's nOt gOoD 2 sWeaR
Do you Sing: yEa, wHeN mY sOnG cOmEs oN
Do you Shower Daily: hElL yEa......dO u?
Have you Been in Love: ;-] yEs sIr
Do you want to go to College: yEs sIr'
Do you want to get Married: yEs sIr'....aFtEr i "GeT lOoSe" lOl
Do you belive in yourself: yEs sIr'
Do you get Motion Sickness: nO mAm
Do you think you are Attractive: yEs sIr'......lOl ...u cAn cAlL mE "cOnCiDeD" ;-}
Are you a Health Freak: nOt rEaLlY, i JuSt lIkE 2 sTaY iN sHaPe
Do you get along with your Parents: wHeN i wAnt 2
Do you like Thunderstorms: hElL nO....i'M bLaCK!!!!
Do you play an Instrument: nO mAm'
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: i Don'T dRaNk, i SiP
In the past month have you Smoked: yEa, bLacKs, tHaT's iT
In the past month have you been on Drugs: nO mAm'....dRuG fReE...iS tHe wAy 2 bE
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yEs sIr'
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yEs sIr', eVeRy oThA wEeKeNd, gOtz 2 gEt mY j'S
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nO mAm'
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nO mAm'
In the past month have you been on Stage: hA..fUnNy U aSkEd..cUz..lAsT wEeK i wAs..........
In the past month have you been Dumped: nO bOo, i nEvEr gEt dUmpEd, i dO tHe bReAk-uPz
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nO' mAm
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: 4 wHat? ....i gOtz mOnEy....*tHoU sHalL nOt SteAl*
Ever been Drunk: nOpE...cAn u bEliEvE iT? bUt cOrdEl sAiD hE gOiNd 2 gEt mE dRuNk oN nIghT
Ever been called a Tease: no mAm'.... mY mOtO iZ ..."i tEaSe, tHeN pLeAse"
Ever been Beaten up: "hAted By mAny, FADED bY NONE!!!!"
Ever Shoplifted: nO mAm'
How do you want to Die: iN mY sLeEp
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: uNdEcIdEd...:-/ (lAwYer, cHiLdrEn'S nUrSe)
What country would you most like to Visit: aFrIca
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: pRetTy eYeZ
Favourite Hair Color: gOoD hAiR
Short or Long Hair: lOnG...(dReADs)
Height: 5'10 oR tAlLeR
Best Clothing Style: tHuGgEd oUt...bUt sTiLl cUtE a.K.a nAmE bRaNd
Number of Drugs I have taken: NoNe
Number of CDs I own: lOst cOuNt
Number of Piercings: oNe In eAch eAr
Number of Tattoos: nO mOrE tHAn 3
Number of things in my Past I Regret: lOSt cOuNt

NiGgAz: PrEtTy RiCkY***YiNg YaNg***TaNk***AvAnT***D'AnGeLo***WeBbIe***JeEzY***BoOsIe***L iL WaYnE'*** FeMaLeZ: TrInA***KyA***BeYoNcE***MaRy J***CiArA***MiSsY ElLiOt***LiL Mo***'


gOsPeL***hIp-hOp***r&b***sOuL***sLow jAmZ***oLd sKoOl***BoOty DaNcInG mUsIc***ClUb mUsiC***gEt CrUnK mUsIc***Get yA iN "dA mOoD" mUsIc ;-}***ReGgEa***


bAby bOy***bApS***MaDeA***A dIArY oF A mAD bLaCk wOmEn***RaY***sOuL pLaNe***wHiTe cHiCks***fRiDaY***nExT fRiDay***fRiDaY aFtEr nExT***lOvE dOnT cOsT a tHiNg***bUtTeR fLy eFfeCt***ScReAm***ExOcIsT***kIlL bIlL***pRiSoN sOnG***beLlY***pLaYa'z cLuB***2 cAn pLaY dAt gAMe**CarMeN***yOu gOt sErVeD***tHe QuEeNs oF CoMeDy***tHe KiNgS oF cOmEdy***ThE cOlOr pUrPlE***SeLeNa***tHe WoOd***DeLiVeR uS fRoM EvIl***tHe beSt MaN***bRiNgIn dOwN tHe hOuSe***lOvE_N_bAsKetBaLl***WaItInG 2 ExHaLe***tHe gRuDgE***mAn oN fIrE***cOlLaTerAl***pAniC rOom***pHoNe bOoth***pLaNet oF tHe ApPs***cOn aIR***fIgHTiN' TeMpTaTiOnS


JeRry SpRiNgEr***mAuRy***pASsIoNs***sPoNgeBoB SqUarE pAnTs***106 iN pArK


:-/ ??? "dO i eVeN KnOw hOw 2 rEaD" ??? :-/


mY sAvEr aNd LoRd "JeSuS ChRiSt"