...News updated!!!!Gwydion @ recording sessions!!!!
GWYDION exists since 1995. During the period 95 to 98 GWYDION recorded one Mini-CD called "Debt To Morrighan".By the end 99 four of the original GWYDION, Ruben, Vitor, Miguel, Daniel joined two new elements, Caveirinha - guitar ( Inpurity, Invoke) and Joo BM - Bass (Against Divine). This line-up recorded "First Channeling" in July of 2000, at Exilium Lynx Studios, starting from that moment a whole new serie of live performances.In October 2000 Miguel left the band for personal reasons and replaced by Bruno in the drums.The next October 2001 GWYDION record their most recent work - "Augmentation" at Exito Estudio !GWYDION!