Art movements, Movies, Music, Design, Media, Computers, Video games and Culture of any kind.
People who have similar interest, intelligence, morals, respect for themselves, honest and thrustworthy. Someone who isn't a coward, who is blunt, energetic, funny and creative.Mainly creative people.
Anything fast, heavy, bouncing, tight beats ummm pretty much everything
Pulp Fiction, Pi, Aliens, The Dead Series ( night of the living dead, dawn, and day), Halloween, Childs Play, Children Of The Corn, IT, Pet Cemetary, Any Johnny Depp Movie, Most Brad Pit Movies, All Tarantino Movies, Hell raiser, Spun, Scarface,
The family Guy, The David Chapelle Show, The Connan O'Brien Show, Law And Order.
No Logo, The Rebel Sell anything related to cultural media and design... Art mags and Design mags. socialism, revolutionaries and ummm stuff like that
M.C. Escher , Martin Luther King, JFK, He-man, and Optimus Prime... transformers kick ass