cybor_hexe profile picture


In noize we trust

About Me

- First off, I'm not a goth -
- I'm very bitchy, very opinionated, and very hypocritical -
- No I wont be friends with you just because your 'alternative' too -
- I seem to look down on most people, but usually with good reason -
- My life revolves around art, at home, college, uni, jobs, everywhere. I spend alot of my spare time in galleries and at exhibits, mostly in London -
- I like politics, philosophy and history, and study them in my spare time -
- I like keeping up to date with news and politics around the world, and find it very important to do so -
- And hate it when people are always 'neutral' on topics, for gods sake have an opinion! -
- Typical cyber, a love for plastic hair, big boots and UV, anything mechanical and futuristic, Cyberdog, computers, circuit boards, etc -
- In love with anything shiny and metal -
- Black, silver, white and blue only -
- Boots: the bigger the better (New Rocks are far too over rated) -
- studied 3D Design in Metalwork at Jewellery at Surrey Institute of Art & Design, Farnham but never finished -
- I'm now out to gain more hands on experience in the art world and build on my gallery experience -
- Planning to go back to university at some point in the future to study History of Art (or a related subject) -
- my hair is my life, synthetic hair all the way, plastic, rubber and foam (please check out my 'Hexe_Hair' profile if you are interested, links above and below)-
- please ask for my MSN name, I want to know who's adding me -
MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts

My Interests

- This girl -
- manic hair -
- art -
- cyberdog -
- noodles -
- sex -
- flowers -
- ***** -
- makeup -
- films -
- wine -
- circuitry -
- industrial -
- noise -
- EBM -
- boots -
- anime -
- rubber -
- metal -
- philosophy -
- tea -
- alcohol -
- smoke -
- glitter -
- history -
- snow -
- pretty people -
- gay people -
- straight people -
- friends -
- pubs -
- clubs -
- parks -
- black -
- white -
- silver -
- blue -
- more pretty people -

I'd like to meet:

loveable and interesting cyber girls and boys


Industrial / Noise / Hardcore / EBM / IDM / Psy-Trance / Hard Dance / NRG / Hard Style / Trip-Hop / anything electronic:

Converter - Soman - Xotox - This Morn' Omina - Winterkalte - Punch Inc. - Synth-Etik - 5F-55 - Manufactura - Ah Cama-Sotz - Morgenstern - Combichrist - Somatic Responses - Tarmvred - NoiseX - MS Gentur - Kiew - Pow[d]er Pussy - Modulate - Needle Sharing - Venetian Snares - Die Neue Sachlichkeit - Config.Sys - Asche - S.I.N.A. - Iszoloscope - M2 - Mimetic - Monolith - Klink - P.A.L - Synapscape - Hypnoskull - Infected Mushroom - Dark Soho - Astral Projection - Wumpscut - Suicide Commando - Morgue Mechanism - Lab-4 - Ultraviolence - Apop - Covenant - Click Click - T.O.Y. - Evils Toy - Feindflug - Velvet Acid Christ - Tactical Sekt - Frontline Assembly - Funker Vogt - God Module - Hocico - Laibach - Rotersand - SITD - Front 242 - Cut.Rate.Box - Das Ich - Dulce Liquido - Skinny Puppy - Assemblage 23 - Juno Reactor - Neuroticfish - Technoir - Unit 187 - Kalte Farben - Samantha Fu - Fischerspooner - Eco - Alec Empire - ATR - NIN - Ministry - KMFDM - MDFMK - Icon of Coil - XPQ-21 - Intra-Venus - New Mind - Wolfsheim - GA-T - Velvet Acid Christ - Decree - VNV Nation - Massive Attack - Lamb - Portishead - Prodigy - Aphex Twin - Underworld - etc, etc, etc


Asian Horrors/Thrillers;
- Audition -
- A Tale of Two Sisters -
- Dark Water -
- Ichi the Killer -
- Infection -
- Ju-on -
- Ju-on 2 -
- Premonition -
- The Eye -
- The Eye 2 -
- The Eye Infinity -
- Ring 0 -
- Ring -
- Ring 2 -
- Tetsuo: The Ironman -
- Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer -
- Whispering Corridors -
- Akira -
- Appleseed -
- Ghost in the Shell -
- Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence -
- Spirited Away -
- Howl's Moving Castle -
- Princess Mononoke -
- Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within -
- Final Fantasy: Advent Children -
And some of the rest;
- The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring -
- The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers -
- The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King -
- Pan's Labyrinth -
- A Scanner Darkly -
- Requiem for a Dream -
- Trainspotting -
- Blow -
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vagas -
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind -
- 28 Days Later -
- Saw I/II/III -
- Seven -
- The Cell -
- The Matrix I/II/III -
- The Dark Crystal -
- Labyrinth -
- Willow -
- The Nightmare Before Christmas -
- Corpse Bride -
- Beetlejuice -
- Edward Scissorhands -
- Sleepy Hollow -
- Big Fish -
- Natural Born Killers -
- 2001: A Space Odyssey -
- 2010 -
- The Shining -
- A Clockwork Orange -
- Full Metal Jacket -
- Apocalypse Now -
- 300 -
- Fight Club -
- Pulp Fiction -
- Reservoir Dogs -


- Ghost in the Shell SAC 1st GIG -
- Ghost in the Shell SAC 2nd GIG -
- Ergo Proxy -
- Lain: Serial Experiments -
- Gilgamesh -
- Samurai Shamploo -
- ER -
- Desperate Housewives -
- Scrubs -
- Family Guy -
- Black Books -
- Arrested Development -
- Modern Toss -



- Tolkien -
- Michael Crichton -
- Paulo Coelho -
- Chuck Palahnuik -
- George Orwell -
- Stephen E. Ambrose -
- David Eddings -


- Friedrich Nietzsche -
- Niccolo Machiavelli -
- Karl Marx -
- Plato -
- Aristotle -
- Socrates -
- Jean-Paul Sartre -


Probably not you

My Blog

oh my goth

oh my god, ive only got 2 days left to pack up my entire life, and have yet to start, plus i'm about to go to the so shit at all this organizing stuff, need some heavy drinking to clear my mi...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

uni! ahhhhh

finally updating this thing, it's been like a whole month nearly. 4 days till uni!!! oh my god it's so close, should really start thinking about packing, so much is going on in these last days tho, it...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Well... got my results 2day... :( Im not really impressed at all with them. Got D's in Philosophy and Art. Which means i've now got 4 A-Levels and there ALL D's. Everyone keeps saying that D's ar...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


think its time for a weekend update, actually the weekend was quite uneventful, was stuck doing business stuff friday night, saturday nite I didnt really plan anything so wondered round in the hope th...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Welsh? Where?!

Just got back from Wales, which was fab! although I didnt really expect to be going. I agreed last week at around 2 in the morning, while very sleepy, woke up and couldnt really remember much about wh...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

drunken antics

well saturday was much fun, apart from being stupidly hot and my boss running round telling me to do every job under the sun and expecting them all to be done at once. Although we now know why he's li...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


is there a limit to the amount of times you watch a film before it becomes sad? how about Pirates of the Caribbean 9 times in 4 days? thats not too it? hmmmm this boredom is killing me! T...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


well saturday night wasnt as good as i had planned, finished work THEN realized i had arranged nothing with anyone, so hung out in starbucks by myself waiting for people, with a russian tour group sit...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


How is it that after two whole weeks on nothingness I have still yet to complete any of the tasks I sent myself? With all this free time, how have I done nothing?! The dishes I washed a week and a hal...
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

trip anyone?

does anyone want to go away for a bit? i was thinking Barcelona or Berlin?...or Rome? Venice? somewhere, from 2nd of August to the 5th. but nobody wants to come with me! *cries*
Posted by cybor_hexe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST