creativity and inspiration through life, work and people... and the search for that elusive place where happiness lies; currently found in front of my piano.
People who inspire me to get off my ass... and I've been lucky through my company to meet so many talented and amazing artists. But there are still many I'd like to meet one day... Frank Frazetta, Glenn Barr, Jeff Soto, Mark Ryden, HR Giger, Frank Miller, Wayne Barlowe, Coop, Simon Bisley...
Mr Bungle (and other lesser yet brilliant patton bands), Secret Chiefs 3, Tool, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Firehose, Flaming Lips, Johnny Cash, Tegan and Sara, Massive Attack, Mike Oldfield, Radiohead, Beethoven, Ween, Tom Waits, Danzig, Primus, Lisa Germano, Fugazi, Death in Vegas, Coldplay, Art of Noise, Butthole Surfers, Bad Brains, Frank Zappa.
Bladerunner, Dune, Delicatessen, Man Bites Dog, Heavy Metal, Zero Effect, Blue Velvet, Amadeus, Jacob's Ladder, The Exorcist, Resevoir Dogs, Donnie Darko, Taxi Driver, Ghost in the Shell, Barton Fink, Lord of the Rings, Edward Scossorhands, Apocalyse Now, Princess Bride, The Wall, A Clockwork Orange, Fifth Element, Alien, Excalibur.
Six Feet Under (the most amazing show on tv ever), X-Files (excluding the seasons after the movie was made... wtf), Survivor (i like to watch people suffer), Three's Company (on a happy note), Married with Children, Simpsons, Jackass, SpongeBob, CSI, Battlestar Gallactica, Twin Peaks (truth is stranger than fiction? i think not), Nip|Tuck.
Kurt Voggegut, William Gibson, Tolkien, Isaac Asimov, Kahlil Gibran, Iain Banks, Aldus Huxley, Anne Rice, Heinlein, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
My Father...