musick,guitar,cannabis inhaling,cycling,tattoos,playing the diabolo (the juggling thing not the pc game),FC BARCELONA,vocalist of Reviled Uncreation and Corruption and guest vox in Erectus live shows from now till we all die and rot together in absolute biological equality...
my passed away friend Michael-Alexander Xydas to smoke just one more joint together,my father Paul (R.I.P.),the one/those who did it to devour their existence and dreams,the one who controls the past-present-future,absolute freedom,"god" to discuss about failures...
brutal death/grind,grindcore,black (a little),crust,hardcore (only true hc),stoner/sludge and shitsoul music... ..
psychological thrillers, horror and splatter (but only those that provoke the basic laws and principles of society), comedies (but only good ones), some action movies, "cult" movies...HARRY FUCKIN KLYN!!!
sucks just say no to brainwash...
horror literature (lovecraft,masterton etc),comix that my dear brothers patelias and teksis recommends, cannabis associated books and whatever can open my eyes and mind just a little bit more...
my hero is gone...