Long profile picture


There's something about the look in your eyes, Something I noticed when the light was just right, It

About Me

I was born on a day i am not sure of, I eat rasin bran in the morning, an then i alternate to eggs the next. I am a person that showers in the morning. I use pantine pro v shampoo and i finshed it off with conditioner. I use loofah with dove to moisture my body. It feels pretty good. After i bathe i dry myself, then i lotion my body up. But it also depends on the season. If it's summer, then full lotion, if it's winter, full lotion, so i guess it doesnt't depend then ha. Afterwards i brush my teeth with colgate, I like colgate because it does not leave any residual products in your mouth, or the bad after taste. I put on my clothes and then make my pot of coffee in the morning. I like coffee with creamers and splenda, most people dont like splenda, but i do. It tastes just like sugar......Well that all about me wait. I think i will write one more pargraph, long paragraph....later

My Interests

Dancing naked in the rain...

I'd like to meet:

The Alchemist, "You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love....the love that speaks the Language of the World."


Britney Spears- Oops i did it again


Queer as Folk, when it used to be on tv.. and ANY other manly shows:)..like grey's anatomy..and stuff


Dear John, For One More day, Memoirs of A Geisha, Life of Pi, Harry Potter 1-6, Time travlers wife, Lucky, Tuesday with Morrie, The Good Earth, The Alchemist, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demon, Digital Fortress, Deception Point, Kite Runner, Gone with the Wind, Fast Food Nation, Food Politics, Time Travlers Wife, A bend in the road, Notebook, Walk to remember, The Guardian, The Rescue, Message in a Bottle, The Wedding,