Dr.Funkes 100%Natural GoodTime FamilyBand Solution profile picture

Dr.Funkes 100%Natural GoodTime FamilyBand Solution

I am here for Friends

About Me

You can get to know me, or you can believe what you hear. It's up to you. I'm not who you think I am.

In June I'll be leaving the US for a tropical island. With the inevitable severe sunburns, new things to eat, difficult social situations, and public humiliation, I'm just hoping to survive...

Then after that adventure, I'll be heading to Germany and Switzerland for a summer abroad course in European Cinema. Let's see USC waitlist me next year!!

Don't worry, I'll return to the US in September.

Oh yeah and I have some sort of movie review blog at binmo.blogspot.com which should be seeing some major updates soon

My Interests

I probably have some of these

I'd like to meet:

Judge Judy


I generally like what my more musically inclined friends refer to as "crap"


Serial Mom, The Host, Teeth


Arrested Development, Survivor!, Veronica Mars, The Office, Battlestar Galactica, 24, Heroes, Pushing Daisies, The Wire, Dead Like Me, South Park, The Mole


An Instance of the Fingerpost. Although my copy seems very unlikely to ever be returned...


Madeline Elizabeth "Mad Lib" Barth