Performing/entertaining, music, movies, video games, staying unique, keeping true to myself and my standards.
Which Final Fantasy X Character Are You?
You are Auron. Wo0t.
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What Final Fantasy VII character are you?
You are VINCENT. Remember to clean the cobwebs off your coffin once in a while- first impressions are lasting!
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Important Characteristics in Friendships? Honesty, morality, compassion, and loyalty.
Vital Traits for Serious Relationships? See the above, add that she's a biblical Christian, straight, has lived and is living a pure lifestyle, attractive, fun, sweet, funny, easy to "click" with my personality.
Rush Hour 1 & 2, The Mummy & Mummy Returns, Hook, LoTR, PoTC, X-Men, Spider-Man, Sky High, Second Hand Lions, Monty Python & The Holy Grail!
King of Queens, King of The Hill, Yes Dear, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Boy Meets World, Seinfield, Arrested Development, Lost, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I really enjoyed reading Eragon and its sequel Eldest. Looking forward to the third and final book in the series, which I believe is going to be called Empire. I've been writing and have finally finished my first book, which has always been difficult because of lack of creative follow through and indecision. Still have a lot more to write, even though the first book's finished!
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