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girl woman

you're number 37 have a look

About Me

Living in zee world, but I am le tired.

My Interests

photography, design, speaking french and french culture, making clothes, fashion, magazines (jalouse, nylon, dazed & confused), music, autumn, astrology, research, art in all its forms

I'd like to meet:

anyone with a little inspiration to donate.there used to be something in french here but i just realized i don't speak it.


as of late: midnight movies, regina spektor, broken social scene, film school, deerhoof, the velvet underground, the zombies, the brian jonestown massacre, the yardbirds, cocorosie, nouvelle vague, carissa's wierd, cocteau twins, built to spill, gene loves jezebel,margot,pinback,camera obscura,pavement,sondre lerche,alaska...donovan, my bloody valentine,check for random updates. ha.


Grey Gardens, any Nouvelle Vague films, Breathless, A Bande Apart, Alphaville, The Royal Tenenbaums, Harold and Maude, Pi, Pulp Fiction, Boogie Nights, CQ, Airplane!, A Woman Is A Woman, The Virgin Suicides, Harold and Maude, any Hitchcock movie, Made, Taxi Driver, Edward Scissorhands, more Jean Luc Godard films, Lolita (Kubrick and Lyne versions) anything Lyne actually...more Grey Gardens..


I Love Lucy....


"My loathings are simple: stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music."


Halfie outcast sellout losers that are still breathing, Cindy Sherman...and Little Edie

My Blog


I need some models for an upcoming project I'm doing, any takers? If you're a model (or would like to) and you'd like to get a few shots for your book or if you also photograph and woul...
Posted by girl woman on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:03:00 PST

The Tenderness of The General Public (with commentary)

I don't know when to start or when to stop (Gemini)My luck's like a buttonI can't stop pushing it! (innuendo)My head feels lightBut I'm still in the dark! (with a book and a flashlight)Seems like wit...
Posted by girl woman on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:33:00 PST

December 25th, 2005.

Merry Christmas. I've been saying lately that it doesn't feel like Christmas, but today it does. And if I had just thought about it, I probably would have figured out that its because today actua...
Posted by girl woman on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 11:01:00 PST

the pre-January assessment

it's winter again and i can feel cold dissipating down into my bones as i poison my lungs with my cigarettes. it's the same familiar feeling. comforting, in a sad strange SAD (Seasonal Affectiv...
Posted by girl woman on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 02:51:00 PST

I'm SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Ok, this time the entry isn't even mildly morbid. And NO, I don't really think about killing people... I was somewhat irritated when I wrote that one...(note the chipper smiley) Anyway. I'm sick...
Posted by girl woman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Truly lovely...

I think about killing people a lot. That may or may not come as a surprise to you.
Posted by girl woman on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST