I would LOVE to met Vin Diesel!!!. img src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:pyzlIO4L7gEJ:www. ladyaquacreations.com/celebritieswp/vin_diesel.jpg" alt="Caption for image"
ChiNgY, Lloyd Banks, NinA sKy, HoobAstank, NeLLy, FAT Joe, USHer, LiNKin PaRK, L L c0Ol J, Lil Jon, Run DMC, Easy E, InCuBuS, bAd ReLigi0n, YiNg YaNg TwiNs, JuvEnilE, Pitbull, HouSt0N, SubLIMe, Pennywise-- Destiny's Child - Soldier -- Video provided by The Source
My FAV movie is Grease!!!. Friday, The Barbershop, Porky's, Animal House, Menace II Society, Troy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cry Baby, S.W.A.T, For Keeps. Love to see comedys and horror films.img src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:QiHzaECEyBsJ:morr endolanoquarto.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/teste22.jpg" alt="Caption for image"
Dave Chappelle, The Biggest Loser, WifeSwap( its funny ass hell. sometimes), Simpsons, Battle of Sexs: Real World/Road Rules, MtV & BETimg src= "http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper203/stills/42t 4weoq.jpg" alt ="Caption for image"
I LOVE the book "Always Running". Its a book about a latino boy growing up in East L.A and the gangs and hardships he went through. I think every hispanic person should read that bookimg src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:gSThuzJD5o8J:hiph opcongress.com/expression/lit/images/running/cover.jpg" alt="Caption for image"
img src="http://www.strejferne.1go.dk/dgaf.gif" alt="Caption for Image"