*TinkLovR* profile picture


About Me

Wats crack?! My name is Christy a.k.a Ms U-Neek. Lets c how can i describe myself... well i love the colors black and pink. I also LUV anything with stars. Yep thats pretty much me stars, pink, and black ohh yeah and of course Tinkerbell, shes one hot character. I have a son named Andrew Jayson who is THE love of my life and i havent the slightest idea wat i would do without him. Ummm I live in the big BAD {LMAO} city of Monte!!! Or should i say Friendly El Monte...haha thats comedy!! I like l o n g romantic walks on th fuck that shit. I love hangin out with the homies and the DGAF posse!!!! :-) I spend most of my time taking care of my beloved Andrew my lil bubbas shopping and the rest of my time on this bitch. Okay well nothin else to say about me so peace out.Shake it like Jello make the Boys say HELLO

img src="http://mystudio.kiddiekandids.com/scratch/SN8K5FVW865DT TXI-KSDMJ.jpg" alt="Caption for Image"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would LOVE to met Vin Diesel!!!. img src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:pyzlIO4L7gEJ:www. ladyaquacreations.com/celebritieswp/vin_diesel.jpg" alt="Caption for image"


ChiNgY, Lloyd Banks, NinA sKy, HoobAstank, NeLLy, FAT Joe, USHer, LiNKin PaRK, L L c0Ol J, Lil Jon, Run DMC, Easy E, InCuBuS, bAd ReLigi0n, YiNg YaNg TwiNs, JuvEnilE, Pitbull, HouSt0N, SubLIMe, Pennywise-- Destiny's Child - Soldier -- Video provided by The Source


My FAV movie is Grease!!!. Friday, The Barbershop, Porky's, Animal House, Menace II Society, Troy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cry Baby, S.W.A.T, For Keeps. Love to see comedys and horror films.img src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:QiHzaECEyBsJ:morr endolanoquarto.blig.ig.com.br/imagens/teste22.jpg" alt="Caption for image"


Dave Chappelle, The Biggest Loser, WifeSwap( its funny ass hell. sometimes), Simpsons, Battle of Sexs: Real World/Road Rules, MtV & BETimg src= "http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper203/stills/42t 4weoq.jpg" alt ="Caption for image"


I LOVE the book "Always Running". Its a book about a latino boy growing up in East L.A and the gangs and hardships he went through. I think every hispanic person should read that bookimg src="http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:gSThuzJD5o8J:hiph opcongress.com/expression/lit/images/running/cover.jpg" alt="Caption for image"


img src="http://www.strejferne.1go.dk/dgaf.gif" alt="Caption for Image"

My Blog

Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine, For I Be my Valentine, for I Each day have thought of you. My whole life couldn't manage what Your ready smile can do, Vanquishing my loneliness As though all light were new. Let me b...
Posted by *TinkLovR* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Mother

THE MOTHERGwendolyn BrooksAbortions will not let you forget.You remember the children you got that you did not get,The damp small pulps with a little or with no hair,The singers and workers that never...
Posted by *TinkLovR* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


                Motherhood what does that really mean? The dictionary defines motherhood as the kinship relation between an offspring and the mother. But is the what its ALL about? Kinship means havi...
Posted by *TinkLovR* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Butterfly's Lesson

A Butterflys Lesson      One day, a small opening appeared in a cocoon; A man sat and watched for the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then...
Posted by *TinkLovR* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST