I never planned to be anyone's hero, role model, big brother figure, father figure, or light of hope, but I know I am. And with that in mind, I push forward to be the best person I can be so that those who see me, emulate me, learn from me, will also gain the skills and knowledge I possess. Am I perfect? No, not by a long shot. But with every mistake, I learn what NOT to do. With every new day, I have an old day to look back on. With every dip in my hill of life, I know there will be a peak. Am I ambitious? Sure. Am I naive? Sometimes. Do I forsee a great future for me and those around me? Of course. Because my faith allows me to. Because unlike many people in this world, I can see the bigger picture, and in my eyes, the picture couldn't be painted better if it was done by Picaso himself. Love thyself. Love thy family. Love they friends. Love thy neighbors. Love thy enemies. And remember, no matter what happens in your life, there is always a tomorrow, and our tomorrow is often a lot better and brighter than most peoples across this vast world of ours. Cherish every moment. Live Life!!
In a word of laziness, lack of ambition, low expectations with high hopes, and egoisms, it is those that inspire to be more than rises aboce the clouds and into territories unmarked.
Oh, about me? If you got questions, ask. By the way, comment on my music. I'm new to it, not looking to make a career, just like having hobbies. HOLLA!!