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~LOVES~ I'm pretty big into studying Astrology, I also really enjoy anything involved in Psychology. I LOVE going to concerts, trying out new foods,drinking Ice Tea!!, Trent Reznor's sexy ass, love me some ketchup!!!,Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches, the Beautiful people!!, Going to school and appreciating my education!! Absolutely love me some taco bell, Collecting 4-leaf clovers and i will beat anyone who challenges me in finding them!!! ,the sexy color of Red,,,Victoria Secret thongs,Clinique makeup, Big beaded necklaces and fat chunky bracelets, soaking in Bubble baths, Biolage shampoo,cotton scented candles,Romance cologne...smells so good!!! Also, suns,moons,stars, and Rainbows!!!... sleeping all the way til noon "im a lazy ass!!", cant get enough of lip gloss especially Burt's Bee's chap stick,pumpkin ice cream,Mexican food, Bass and blue moon beer, Bw3's boneless wings with Jerk sauce and honey BBQ, watching old scifi classics and old silent films,running in the rain....naked, feeding the ducks,Going to the zoo,listening to people's problems,"thats what i am attending school for" ,Going to Harry's Chocolate Shop,Visiting places I've never been and getting lost.....~HATES~! I can't stand ignorant people, and people who are egotistical. Also hate when I talk to someone and they don't look at me, Hate sushi and sweet potato's ,Hate crickets and bee's,Dislike thunder storms and I really can't stand snow,I'm really not cool with bible thumper's and hypocrites...Last but not least, I cant stand it when a guy approaches me and the first fucking words out of his mouth are, "nice boobs" I swear that makes me want to scream!!!=) ..
wow, i like most kinds of music, Here's just a few that i enjoy,,,, old 80's and 90's,,Days of the New,Seether, Fleetwood mac,Vnv Nation,DMB,Panic at the disco,Funeral for A Friend,Endpoint,Boy sets Fire, Chevelle,Linken Park,Slipknot,Smashing Pumpkins,Candlebox,Garbage,The KIllers,Blind Melon,Prodigy,Staind,Radiohead,Foo Fighters,The Who, BulletformyValentine,David Bowie,Deftones,Dropkick Murphys,FrankZappa,Metallica,Pearl Jam,Phish,Pink Floyd,Rage against the Machine,The Rolling Stones,System of a Down,U2,The White Stripes,Coldplay,The Cure,A Perfect Circle,Tool,Tori Amos,Incubus,Alice In Chains,Moby,and my Favorite, Nine Inch Nails..... "many more im sure of, cant think of right now.....
Scary ass movies are the best!!
I LOVE WATCHING MTV, VH1, the news,, Blind Date, Fear Factor, Survivor,Dirty Jobs,Real world/road rules and right now,, Flavor of love, I love New York!!!! .. i ummmm well, i guess i am a reality tv junkie,,hehe,shhhh don't tell, =) !!
My "bible" for the next.. oh say 20 years.... =)
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God, if he is really there, my Parents for bringing me into this crazy world, my sister for being my best friend,, my brother for putting up with me through the years, my grandma shields (Grams) for being my "shield" The beautiful people of this world,,," If u want the rainbow, u have to put up with the rain".... and the wonderful creator of Ketchup!!!