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Arms and the Man

About Me

Whiteline provides a secure annonymous quarter for those who understand the bitter truth that Government has no compassion for the individual man. We know that the minutes—if you happen to be that fortunate—between intrusion and response are, in the end, all that matter.

My Interests

Whiteline Syndicate

I'd like to meet:

Whiteline was created first in 1999 by Silverlance Associates, a small handful of citizens, some with military experience, who met each weekend at the Azusa Firing Range to test and practice with mil-spec gear and firearms. Well read, the conversation often turned to articles in current law enforcement and, more importantly, crime prevention. With the passing of such precedents as the 2003 People of Indiana vs. Ray and Patricia Stoffer case in which the judge ruled that gun owners are responsible for crimes committed using guns stolen from them by criminals, Silverlance realized that popular trends in crime opinion were moving from a desire to blame the media for society's criminals (a sentiment which dominated the public mentality during the latter quarter of the 20th century) toward a penchant for assigning both cause and source to gun owners, sellers, and smiths, whether licensed, legal, and law-abiding—or not. Despite the grim reality of socio-modular crime movements and the fact that police forces are either too poorly funded, ill equipped, or corrupt to adequately protect against and prevent crime for the ordinary citizen, numerous organizations and individuals have attempted to promote the disarming of a law-abiding population as the poultice to heal the gangrenous evisceration of collective trust that is truly behind the surges of violence that plague our streets. Aware that such movement, if unchecked, would result in the abandonment of the few individuals who possess the means and the will to resist violent crime, and that the possibility of standing against this tide of irrational mob justice is nil, Silverlance adapted itself to this new era, exchanging vulnerable individuality for protective anonymity through forums such as this.

We do not wish to start a new world order. Nor do we desire justice through the use of further violence. We simply wish for the right to quietly, inconspiciously, and politely bear the arms that give us recourse in an increasingly insecure world.


Visit the National Rifle Association website

Visit the Gun Owners of America website

My Blog

Whiteline Syndicate

Whiteline was created first in 1999 by Silverlance Associates, a small handful of citizens, some with military experience, who met each weekend at the Azusa Firing Range to test and practice with mil...
Posted by Whiteline on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Burro Canyon Range in California may be open!

After it was shut down due to the fires, Burro Canyon, in San Bernandino County, may now be open again. A party will be held in celebration of that nice little spot, several miles up and in the heart ...
Posted by Whiteline on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST