(known to self and others)accepting , independent , introverted , searching , self-conscious
Blind Spot
(known only to others)able , bold , clever , complex , confident , dignified , energetic , extroverted , friendly , helpful , idealistic , intelligent , kind , knowledgeable , logical , observant , patient , responsive , self-assertive , sensible , sentimental , shy , silly , spontaneous , trustworthy , witty
(known only to self)Unknown
(known to nobody)adaptable, brave, calm, caring, cheerful, dependable, giving, happy, ingenious, loving, mature, modest, nervous, organised, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, sympathetic, tense, warm, wise
Dominant Traits
68% of people think that rudeboy_punker is intelligent
All Percentages
able (12%) accepting (12%) adaptable (0%) bold (6%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (0%) cheerful (0%) clever (25%) complex (31%) confident (12%) dependable (0%) dignified (6%) energetic (31%) extroverted (31%) friendly (43%) giving (0%) happy (0%) helpful (6%) idealistic (12%) independent (18%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (68%) introverted (6%) kind (6%) knowledgeable (31%) logical (18%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (12%) organised (0%) patient (6%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (6%) searching (18%) self-assertive (12%) self-conscious (12%) sensible (6%) sentimental (6%) shy (6%) silly (12%) spontaneous (12%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (12%) warm (0%) wise (0%) witty (43%)
Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 13.7.2006, using data from 16 respondents.You can make your own Johari Window , or view rudeboy_punker's full data .
What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.comAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
Your Ultimate Purity Test 2.0 Score Is...
Your Score: Average For All Users Average For All Straight Liberal Single Yellowish-Skinned 19 to 25-Year old Males
(17 total)
Dating 23.08% 34.07% 29.86% Gone steady
Self-Lovin' 62.12% 61.76% 51.34% Master of your domain
Shamelessness 77.42% 77.92% 84.44% Has yet to see self in mirror
Sex Drive 69.05% 75.76% 81.23% A fool for love, but not always
Straightness 12.96% 40.39% 30.5% Knows the other body type like a map
Gayness 96.3% 79.03% 98.8% Repressed, are we?
Dominant 81.67% 87.4% 89.12% Afraid to cross at "Don't Walk" signs
Submissive 90.48% 87.76% 91.6% Submits to no one... almost
Fucking Sick 90.82% 90.3% 95.14% Refreshingly normal
Total Score 72.05% 74.42% 76.68%
Take The Ultimate Purity Test 2.0
and see how you match up!
(By The Ferrett )this shit is funny.And so is This:
Which drunk are you?
The Professional
Found sometimes in the corner of a dive, sometimes by yourself on a couch at a crowded party, and sometimes in the middle of the sidewalk, you are The Professional drunk. It's not so much the fact that you're good at drinking... you're The Professional because it's what you do all day. You don't need the romance of swanky lighting, creative cocktails, or a special occasion. Any drink, any place, any time. College students stare in awe of your alcohol tolerance level and look up to your sage-like ability to identify any booze by the shape of its bottle. Even inside a paper bag.
Especially inside a paper bag. Because you are The Professional.
Which drunk are you? Find out and get the t-shirt