SaraMackenzieByrd profile picture


I am a little tornato whirling in and out of my life!

About Me

I am a young independent woman trying to find her spot in this small world. I am constantly going to bed still hungry for adventure and excitement. Most days I strive to be the best Sara Mackenzie Byrd I know how to be. I am constantly changing, you may meet me one day and think I am one person then turn around to find out I am not that person ten seconds later....confusing...try to stay positive....xoxo I love you all!

Myspace Layouts at / Retro birds - Image Hosting

My Interests

we have the opportunity to save the eyes are opening to a new is all around make sure to feel it...zoot..zoot...zoo

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet a Snarly....wait I already know one! Also any one who thinks they are true O.S.F.



there is no god up in the sky tonight no sign of heaven anywhere in sight all that was true is left behind once i could see now i am blind don't want your dreams you try to sell this disease i give to myself how does it feel? she makes it sweeter than the sun i get too tight i come undone i bow my head to confess the temple walls are made of flesh runs up my arms 'til I'm on track itches my skin right off of my back I'll heal your wounds I'll set you free I'm Jesus Christ on Ecstasy How does it feel? I am so dirty on the inside How does it feel? Suck Suck Suck Suck Andrew


You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it What Famous Pinup Are You?


Harry Potter and Dragon ball Z


I am pretty,but I am not Beautiful. I Sin, but I am not the Devil. I am Good,but I am not an Angel. Merilyn Monroe