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About Me

With a name like Georgitto it has to be good!
Hello My name is Georgina
My friends call me Georgitto this makes me happy it is a good name. Georgie however is not a good name call me this and you will not be my friend.
Happiness is Georgitto-Shaped.
I have many amazing friends,
which is hell at birthdays and christmas
but i manage
i hate going to town
it is too much effort
i do enjoy going out tho very muchly
I also really enjoy sleep it is very good for you and is great fun
ill have a water boring i know but it cures all
remember remember the 4th of err April for it is my birthday
music is not my life but i do enjoy a lot of it
currently in whitchurch high 6th form studying
People like having a wee with me Do i look like someone you want to have a wee with?
25/04/07 Still growing
thats about it
If you wanna chat add me
[email protected]
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My Interests

The Summer of Long Comments
more times like these please Kathos
hallo therei am in the fine land known as gran canaria and i have been without computer for a week and when i finally find one that is free and get money to use it ... no one is on!! oh the sadnesswhich might be why i am pointlessly commenting you ...... also, i haven..t spoken to anyone in a week and am feeling rather alone ... has anything happened while i have been away??lalalalalalalalalamight speak before i get back otherwise, see you in a weekbyebye xxxxxxxxxxp.s yes my falling dinosaurs are pretty kewl yes =] but not as kewl as my sexilicious profile song hahahaha
OH MY YOU DO HAVE A TOTALLY SEXILICIOUS PROFILE SONG you are now officially too cool for me i need to get new friends of less calibre. btw new news i dumped zac thought you should know. i got bored again and he was far too clingy. i think its great that we are both single having a bf sucks and i think we shouldnt deprive ppl of there schlampes anymore its just cruel to them oh god there was something else actually interesting that i was gonna say but i totally forget oh yea i remember god wasnt worth typing all of that oh well it makes the comment longer. we have bought our new house and its on em stones road which is pretty damn cool me thinks totally. also what date are you back so i can bum you to death. it will be good. not long til the party hehe . anyway i would just like to add that i am also officially cool as i tried to wash the keyboard a smart move i thin anyway i had to buy a new one it was only £4 BARGAIN i reckons oh god this is far too long you need to come back son so i can ramble similar things to you in real life which will be good hope you having fun and lots of beach sex also i hope your having fun reading this massive comment.loves ya forever sexyp.s damn shakira ended like 30 mins ago oh well/
hell yeah - it is well kewl, this music pub that we go to plays it all the time and it is permanently stuck in my head so that is my MySpace tribute to La Fiesta bar =]... and also, i like to dance in a stupid sexilicious fashion to it hahahaahhhh yeah i totally agree - i am sure the world has been missing our schlampe-ish ways and it is now time to get drunk and relieve the world of their sexual tension - hurrah!!yes, having a bf is sehr crap - i go to the trouble of actually liking someone and then they decide they don..t like me ... well sod that *grins*ooooo new house eh? how awesome!! and on em stone..s road?? i am well jealous ... but then again, that is pretty damn close to me hahahaha gutted on you ... bum fests all round *big grin* back on the 13th ... which is kinda soon - got no tan though which has rather annoyed me but hey ho, i think i will just about livecan..t wait til the party!! *dances round (in a hotel lobby - getting weird looks)* should be sehr sehr kewl and i will not be sitting on my own at home and working myself into a night-before-exam-results-nervous-fit ... yay!!ahahaha you washed the keyboard?!?! too clever .. but 4 quid?? that is one mighty fine bargain if i do say so myselfanyhoo i had awesome fun reading your mahoosive comment so have fun reading my crappy rambles of 10 past 1 in the morningmucho love and xxxs ?kathos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Comment Kathos? yes i think i willwow i loved your last absoulutely masshooove comment it was awesome i think everybody should have to comment like that coz then we would all look more popular which would be goodd for ummmm expanding communication and that.come out on the 13 you best anyway or i will come over your house AND THERE WILL BE NOTHING YOU CAN DO. mwahahahaha i am truely evil.dya know what i totally agree about the fancy thing why bother with it i wish i was totally asexual (like a certain mr sherlock holmes) and then i would never fancy anyone but could have a good snog anytime i liked no strings i think that really is the best way of life. damn there making me non-asexual loving the das ist meine arbeit part of your profile lol mind you your whole profile is practically a shrine to the germans.I do think a bit of international snogging is needed i mean only brits thats quite boring i thinks we need to reach out and become international schlampes svom and mario here we come lol.....then we could make international schlampe headquarters god im too funny sometimes i sense i will crack in 2.are there any sexy folk out there you can start on them which is a plan and a half GET CRACKING KATHOS GOD.Dya know what i had a dream last night and i was 9 months preggers and phil jupitus was the dad and he came ot live with me and my auntie tracy's manor cotttage while i was preggers ya know as the respactable thing to do it was all fairly normal until the bit wear i thought i was giving birth in my sleep (in my dream if your still keeping up) so i took of my trousers and pants and started pushign and my auntie tracy came in and then she had to fetch phil from his bedromm to dress me and calm me down and put me to bed lmao. i am quite weird it would seem. i bet it would be great to have him as a dad tho.anyway i think thats a long enough ramble for you to enjoy it took me a while but then again i am making the effort as you are in the land of the spanards (coz i can spell) so its probably for the best you get some normal and xxxxxx's (not in a lessie way)...... ok it isgeorge
why thank you for the comment - i feel like someone loves me even though i am a million(ish) miles away ... yayi think i may type another mahoosive comment to you ... i agree with your theory that it makes you look more popular and it would only be fair that i return your popularity-enhancing commentsummm can..t come out on the 13th - we get home really really late on the 13th but i..ll come out on the 14th even if i have no clothes as i have taken them all to gran canaria ... go me .. but 14th is sehr gut ...yeah i wish i was asexual like a plant or sherlock holmes .. it would save a lot of annoyance on the crap bf front ... i am not impressed with my general lot in life *sulks*oh yeah, i decided i needed a new message and that song was in my head ... what good times german days were ... how i liebe the german language *grins*speaking of international snogging ... have you spoken to the sexilicious svom?? and i def agree on the international schlampes idea!! mmm...svom and marius hahahaha schlampe headquarters - ahh that..s pretty damn genius =]... you have some strange dreams - got to be honest ... i had this dream about jess walters having a party coz she lived in this huuuuge house but we were all sitting on computers and this was apparently an awesome party ... ? which confused me a bit ...oh yeah and me and my ma saw a rly rly camp person today and my ma was like ..he..s dressed in a typical gay outfit..and his t-shirt was just like martyn..s tight t-shirt so hahaha ... ok, i found that funny, but then again, i might have had too much sunyeah, i very much appreciate your long comments - seeing as i am having no comment with sexilicious people *cries*mmmm lezzer love and xxx..s from the land of the spaniards (i can also spell)kathosxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
damn you coming back late one ev ening . hey if you have no clothes then you should come out in your pjs everyone used to do it on random days in school ya know those wear pjammys to school days youll be bringing back the trend you'll have zillions of men just falling at your feet in pjammys coz they are soo. 2006.i fell kinda special speaking to youover seas like we are penpals that only meet once every 3 years but you comment long comments everyday discussing what we did and that coz thats the only life we have i like it lol but it will be better when you are back so we can scheme together and intrance that boys over the pond.dont complain about your lot its great all you have to do is wal into a party and you have your pick of the boys there bitch lol steal all of mine hahaha (we can let a few extras come for george and kathos eh.)i have not heard from sven i did go on beckys accoutn a few times ut alas no reply she has so much crap on there in her inbox she lets all the penis enlargement emails through its a joke she need to get some control on her thingswell martyn is your typical gay so e would be in a typical gay outfit lol to be fair he isnt the snazziest of dressers now is heSICK!!!!tlking about your jess walters dream I THINK YOU GO ONLINE TOO MUCH i mean your on holiday and still you are on internet talkingto your sexual friend george maybe go on msn a little less hey. mind you your tlking ot the person who washed there own keyboard so i cant really tlk .hmm i dont think this comment is really long enough for my liking i do love a nice long comment it gives you something to read and look forward to like which is always good.i only just noticed you reduced your thing to top 8 why? oh if you didnt notice now zacs gone your top4 isnt so messed no more yey. lol which is always a plus dont tell becky but i always thought of us as sexual sisters like that eh :phmm ok maybe its long enough now plus i dont have anything else to type about so it will have to do ive had fun typing it anywho like.loves hugs and lots of lessing around. xxx
coming home today ... but am on internet because we have been kicked out of our room and we have nothing better to do ... huh and we can..t take any hand luggage on the plane so i..m not too impressed ...anyhooo thanking you for your in-the-style-of-pen-pal-letter comment .. i am glad that you are not my pen-pal though or i may cry because i would not see your sexiliciousness enough for my own goodbut yeah, you should feel v special and it is not because i am so unpopular that noone else talks to me while i am away *cries* that is how unkewl i amhahaha yeah it..s not coz i..m totally drunk and feel the need to leap on people ... much - and anyway georgina "i don..t say this to many people but i love you" young you do the same thing ... we are so kewl ... yeah extras for us humphhuh well that is very impolite of svom .. how are we suppose to set him up if he won..t be helpful?!?!hahah oh yeah, he..s a well snazzy dresser ... what with his tight jeans ... and JOGGERBUMS and such like ... SICK ahahahahahmm yes it is probably telling me i am addicted to internet but hey ho ... i get to talk to sexilicious people so i am not curbing my habit just yetyay!! a now clever top 8 again =] and urm i changed it coz i..m unpopular and don..t have 12 people who love me .. or something like thathahaha yeah becky will be gutted if she ever finds that out ... but seeing as she never goes on MySpace your secret is pretty safe *grins* maahaha she will be jealous that i have a sexual sister ... as well as a gf hahaanyhoo i have like 1 minute of my internet time left so i..m going to post this comment before i run out of time and all my hard work is ruined ...muchos love and xxx..sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i know you will probably be back by the time you get this but itsll be some nice coming home and becky arent sexual sistersanymore anyway she snogged a guy form australlia whilst she was in prague so INTERNATIONAL SNOGGING HAS BEGUN yes we totally rule. we had a plan and it worked huzzah. lolyour blatently not unpopular just noone goes on myspace anymore so you cant really do it apart from me i just have no life to speak of.HE DOESNT WEAR JOGGERBUMS oh my that is far too cool for me but then again joggerbums are the fashion accessory of the year so ya know he is just in with the in crowd and we are not popular enough for thatlol i changed from a top 16 to a top 12 too before i was like oh i really want more top things so i can put more ppl in now i realise i dont have enough friends for all of that so i dont should really ad on more to your ace crew profile thing there isnt many on there you lazy person you they could all get al offendioso and then that wouldnt be so good.svom should do the polite thing and come and snog greig not comign is plain rude and i think that he just let us do international snogs. poo himdamn cant ruin your good work lol i had written half my last comment and my computer had turned off but it hadnt it had gone on standby but i thought it was gone so i got pissed off and went to bed and then finished it in the morning so it was all good.anyway youll be home soon (sexsexsex)tlk soonlove love lust and lesser hugs xxx.
mwahhahahahaha i am commenting you before i get home ... because there is another 2 hours til pick-up and i have nothing better to do ... coz i..m fun like thatoh god, has she?! i haven..t spoken to her (obviously) but then again, that is hardly suprising coming from the chaste becky ... but yeah, she has started international snogging!!lol yeah i know, i was only joking ... then again, i have nothing better to do, so it clearly shows that i have an exciting life...ishyou didn..t know martyn wears JOGGERBUMS?!?! ahaha well yes he does .. they are very attractive ... *cough* well yeah, i mean he is blatently too kewl and sexy for me *cries a lot* oh i am so gutted ... just coz he likes to think he is mark big gob in his joggerbumslol yeah, i was like woooo top 12 and then i realised that i..m rly unkewl and there were only 8 people that had put me in their top 8 or 12 or whatever so i thought bugger thisyeah, i know .. i..ll finish my ace crew thing when i get home but at the mo, i only have enough time to type a super-long comment to you and then i run out of time on here .. humph ..... but i will finish it one day ... because i don..t want to offend anyone as that would be meanyes, svom is being stupid .. becky has started international snogging and he is ruining it all by being antisocial harrumphoh my, i am so tired and full of indian food and it is only 9:42 but i got up super early (8 o..clock =o) to go to the water park which was rather kewl ... hmm i want to go to schleepys but i have to wait til we get on the plane ... which is at 2 in the morningso only another 4 and a quarter hours oh my god, but home soon =]big lesbian love?x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x
lol ahh well this one will derfo be when you get back coz you only have like 2 hours til the plane which you have probably already got on so your probably on your way home which is totally cool so its good that you will be all home soon.yes i would really tlk to becky about her international snogging she was downing abombs all night (which are mainly absinth) so ya know becky horny as always. still we will always be sexual sisters.MARTYN IS MARK BIG GOB only he sttracts less tiny women (as in he attracts no women.) but he does hang out with all yr 10 *cough*will bowler*cough* so ya know he could be starting a new lower school youth yea i think the last 4 dont have me in their top 12 but ahh well i know steph did have me where i have her (or close) but she has shrunk hers to top4 humph and i am ovo not cool enough to be in there.dw about svom we will see him more next year then we can have a party and invite him and itll all be good coz he can let international snogging begin anyway. maybe his square maybe hes fridge oh my well have to break him in to whitty high way of lifeheyim confused you had indian food for brekkie. HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR SHAPE i heard of your pot noodle for brekkie binge once you are such a cow you know that.ahh well hugs love and lessie lusts.xxxx(p.s i dont think comment is as long as the others if it isnt i apologise it is unacceptable.
yay i woke up from my nap to find a comment from george .. my day is now complete *dances* now i am finally home after a boring-as-hell flight during which i had nothing to do because we were allowed no hand luggage and the "power was affected" or something so there was no films or tv on at all ... and then i fell asleep when they gave out the food - but then they gave it to me when i woke up so i was eating when everyone was trying to sleep HAurm anyway .... *shakes head* ahh horny becky - bless her, we would not be the same without her hilarious antics =]yes!! he is!! martyn is now officially mark big gob ... but yeah, i agree about the fact that he attracts very few small girls ... seeing as he attracts very few girls full stop - then again, i am short ... uhhh anyway, lower school youth club is the only thing for him me thinks ;] but then again, i don't know if lower school people or year 10s would want him .. even though he has a shining future ahead of him *cough*hell yeah, i think becky will be in at least 2 classes with svom and so we will resolve to befriend him ASAP ("hallo laydeees") .. but we may also befriend marius for further international influences ... but yeah, svom is obsessed with apfelstrudel so god knows what goes on in that crazy brain of hislol yes i had indian food ... coz im healthy ... ohhh yeah!! but pot noodles make good breakfast!! they dooo!! hahaha god knows, maybe it is because i eat lots and lots of rubbish and ... ummm that is like eating loads of healthy stuff - oh i don't know, i am talking crap ... maybe my metabolism only works fast if i eat rubbishoh i don't know .. this is making my head hurt thinking about it - i was never good in H.E anyway (as you would probably know haha) so i don't think i got the hang of healthy food and suchlikemuchos xxx's and big lesbian love?kathos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp.s ahahaha it told me that my comment was too long when i tried to submit it first time
ive posted such a long comment its in 2 parts so just keep reading down the last 2 comments posted just incase you didnt notice i would get upset coz you didint read all of my exciting ramblingswhen do you ever wake up not to find a comment from me i am always commenting you it seems it also seemed liek you didnt really have a holiday at all but more like freee reign of a computer but i never saw you on msn the whole time oh well ho hum pigs bum.anyway you best be coming out tomorrow then coz i will have to sex you up bad lol most ppl are back now except em emz and greig so there is plenty of sexying to do on all accounts.i did keep calling you to come out a few days after you left but ahh wel yah know me a bit dull. it wasnt until one night i was thinking about calling you to tlk and then thought hmm she hasnt answered her phone much that i realised it was because you were no longer in the country. i do pay attention to you tho honest i did it to loz and rachelie and greig too.anyway i cant wait until its us too schlampes together again i did miss you terribly not having any schlampe happenings ho hum well there hasnt been any parties anyway the next one is my own so ya know im gonna be moste chaste there this time honestly i will try hmm.that too long comment thing happened to me once when i was commenting sam i commented the word sex loads coz i was pasting it and it was like 150000 letters over or something ridiculous and then my computer crashed coz itcouldnt cope with deletign them all so ya know a moral to every story. i was just being silly.i really wanna befriend svom now hes just soo .. sooo.... ODD hello laydees lol oh my he can be our llittle weird foreign friend just liek georgia nicholson has.becky is very proud of herself tho coz she has snogged a person from 3 diff continents (godd speller me) will becky ever stop being really cool like that ever i doubt it.when you said you were really bad of he i thought of YOUR KILLING THE YEAST i know she wasnt on about you but it was so hilarious i couldnt help mentioning it it was great. it doesnt matter were not becoming chefs of dietricians (again with the good spelling) anyway so its not as if it matters vey much.ill see you tomoz then say at 2 at whitty park ill invite others ......., lessies (oh you get the drift)xxxxxxp.s i had to make 2 comments coz this comment was deemed too long for myspaz but i thought the news was so thrilling that i had to get all of it too you some way but i made it all in order just for youmaybe the lengths of our comments are gettign ridiculous by now loloh ok ok one last comment but also remember to read the other 3 comments i posted coz i lobe you but because you are like the only person who comments me ever and you leave such massive and loverly comments i have put you as number too now =] hope it livens up your day (it makes my top 8 more organised also)
oh my that comment was long ... =Olol nah sadly i didn't have free reign of the computers coz a load of chavs with endless supplies of money kept hogging them ... and i had to leap in when they got off to get pissed and whatever other things chavs doyessum, i will indeedy be coming out tomorrow ... 2 o'clock is good for me, i should be up by thenahhh yes, i did miss you and your schlampe-ish ways while i was in gran canaria (which was filled with many chavs) ... oh my, party soon =>awww yeah, svom is so appealing in his very ... odd ways, and scarily, i can picture him having an interest in furry shorts ... am i the only one who thinks that?? oh my, if we do befriend svom then we will be even kewler like georgia nicolson .. oh my, she is too kewl for wordsbecky has snogged guys from 3 different continents!! i didn't know that!! =OYOU'RE KILLING THE YEAST!! ahahaha oh my that was so funny!! almost as funny as her picking up an oven tray thing and dropping it coz "it's hot" oh hahahahow hilarious H.E was with our good friends liam and andy ... hey!! do you remember when we made hedgehog family bread!!urm anyway, i agree our comments are getting ridiculously long but hey ho, that is because i have so much crap exciting stuff to tell youi am surprised i haven't had to start a new comment yet to be honestanyway, yeah 2 o'clock at whitty park ist sehr gut .. i haven't seen anyone for about a million years (2 weeks) so i am sehr looking forward to it (of course =])muchos xxx's to my lessie loverxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp.s hurrah!! i have now also moved you up to 2nd person which has worked out very well because apart from bethan, i am the same number as everyone in their top 8 yay => .. and also coz i love you very very much
hhayeh beckys snogged adrain from america the australlian and a 16 europeans so ya know just a few there from europe not many at alldamn schlampewe always hang out at whitty park its like wanna go out yea whitty park at 2 cool lol everyoen else spends years planning elaborate day trips out and spends years working out travel and that but none of us are active enough to bother a walk around whitty park is fine for usyey number 2 lol i knwo my top 4 is perfect but i think the rest is messed but i dont care really i can sort it all out later pft or never like coz im happy the way it isoh i hope this comment is long enough but im going to watch a film now so i cant stay much longloves hugs and lessie lusts (not namign anyone)Usually ppl right a list of things they love and hate so ill do the same
Meine Lieblingsdingen
My Friends

Novelty Hats

Art (Gilbert and George)

80's and 90's pop (The Cardigans)

My Bellybutton

Red Dragon (James Barr)
The Beach Boys

Good Sitcoms(Quintuplets)
German(ja Genau)


A Nice Patterned Tight
Stand Ups (Adam Hills)
Prosthetic legs (ooooo)
Adam and Joe

Georgitto Hasse

dr who

People who think Bridget Jones is the Modern Heroine (she was 9 stone and had Colin Firth and Hugh Grant after her)

People who don't pick up dog crap in Llandaff North

Welsh Speakers who speak English but make us wear headsets anyway

Your Mum
I bet the one in the pink feels so buff right now
Writing in blue



Opening the pack of crisps upside down

Generally 8 legs bad
im sure there's loads more i aint thought of.

I'd like to meet:

Girls With One Track Minds!.

Do the D-A-N-C-E!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Georgitto Bums


Drop Dead Fred
The Butterfly Effect
Anything Adam Sandler (except Big Daddy)
Stuck on You
Monty Python
Virtual Sexuality
Pulp Fiction
Back to the Future trilogy
Sin City
Lucky Number Slevin


Spin City
Family Guy
Malcolm in the Middle



Kathos is my gf and totally my hero she has been there for me rain or shine and when ever i come up to her crying she says "whose ass am I kicking today babez"

I love you!!