The band has been formed in December, 17, 2004. It's roots leads to Russia. I deny religions which have ever been invented by the HUMANITY (that means - absolutely all religions). However I do not set as the purpose propagation of my mentality as the mankind to me is deeply indifferent and hated. I am the only leader and participant of the project. All compositions are written by me in full loneliness as I do not have any desire to involve someone else in the most gloomy depths of my soul. Why Black Metal? Because only Black Metal can liberate all hatred and aggression in relation to mankind and the world as a whole.
God Is A Coward!
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2005 - God Is A Coward! (demo vol. 1)
01 - New Aeon
02 - Werewolf
03 - Graven Takeheimens Saler (Darkthrone Cover)
04 - Six Minutes Of Depression
2005 - God Is A Coward! (demo vol. 2) - not available for downloading
01 - Shadows Whispering Thy Names (Intro)
02 - Cold Inside My Gloomy Soul
03 - The Beast Within
04 - God Is A Coward!
05 - I Am Thy Death
2007 - The Path Of Loneliness (demo)
01 - Nocturnal Woods Will Keep Thy Secrets
02 - The Path Of Loneliness
03 - The One Who Casts No Shadow
04 - Howl Of Despair
05 - Starving For The Blood Of Christ
06 - God Is A Coward! (Bonus Track)