gaming is the center of the universe.
g.i.r is the best robot ever.
the triforce.
cosplays, larps, and slytherin house rules all.
maple story, binary code, and hentai.
i like circuit-bending and 8bit.
cello is my favorite instrument. i love pump organs too.
microkorgs with vocoders and talk boxes galore.
crystal oscillators.
gigapets. tomagotchis. and pogs.
i love the german/danish languages, vespas and soda.
i love beer almost more than anything.
my favorite beers are:
PBR (pabst blue ribbon, my favorite beer of all time. talk shit and die)shiner black
stella artois
german beers
red stripe
samuel adams cherry wheat
oktoberfestspaten optimator
dopple bocks and dark beers
and many many others.
i like to fall asleep to explosions in the sky.
i pretty much exist to reverse issac asimovs three laws of robotics.
i love pickles.
adam lazzara.
fred mascherino.
eugene hutz.
tyson ritter.
david lynch.
jude law.
vince noir.
daniel vosovic.
brandon flowers.
damien rice.
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camera obscura
optimus rhyme
stereo total
gogol bordello
under byen
bright eyes
damien rice
postal service
nano-bass music keeps the robot party alive.
anything david lynch.
grandmas boy.
waking life.
you me and everyone we know.
history channel.
gaming magazines.