Muffin (my dog) -- My Mom -- Poetry -- Jokes -- Old Westerns on late night TV -- Hot Candle Wax -- Knitting -- Pottery -- Snuff films -- Going shopping with my Mom -- Patchwork -- collecting knives -- Vampire movies -- Keeping myself oiled up & ready for action =)
That little kid from the 6th Sense. He's so cute =)
Mom says music is from the devil, so I'm not allowed to listen to it =)
Vampire movies, Westerns and anything with little kids like Home Alone or Sky Kids -- Mmm =) One time I saw this video my uncle Steve left at our house when I was 13, wow it showed people having S-E-X !!! Hahahaha, I mean, close up camera of the part where the doodle goes right into the ladies love nest! It was so great, but I'm not allowed to see those movies anymore. =)Brb -- I have to change my pants now.
Here is a poem I wrote --IF you wish upon a star, your dreams can come true, if you believe in hope. The silent death of a sweet little lamb, can bring tears to the eyes of a full grown man, I pray for you my sweet little petal -- Please MOMMY don't lock me in the closet again -- I love you, my deep dark basement of dreams -- I love your youth filled desires. Place cream onto my naked flesh and sing to me you little freak -- touch me -- touch my mom.=)
I make my own scrap books, of photos I take around my house -- especially my candle filled basement. =)hahahahah Muffin just jumped into my lap =)
Michael Jackson. The Dad off the Brady Bunch & ANY Robot -- I wish I was a robot -- they feel no pain and have no sickness =) Sometimes I wish I was born as a robot. Life would be so much easier. I am also proud of any person I see who is mentally challenged or a midget. I collect photos of them.