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last week in the willamette weekly: Kickball, Starfucker, Ghosties, Forty Hundy Thundy, Southern Belle @ The Modern Age at Portland State University [PURE ENERGY] What more is there to say about Kickball? They’re pretty much the best band in the world, and we still get to see them in basements.
from the portland mercury::Kickball are like an old friend you don't see enough. Once you finally do catch up, you say to yourself, "Damn, we've got to do this more often." And you should, because the three of them just nail it. They're a spring of good vibes that put on consistently tight, danceable, and cathartic shows. And they do it in a humble, accessible, and almost effortless way. There's a connection Kickball makes with the audience that most bands only dream of. It's like you really know them and they really care how you feel. Part of that's because they came up in the touchy-feely Olympia scene, but unlike many of their hushed, wispy, and sloppy cohorts, Kickball shows aren't a sit-on-your-hands affair—they're all about getting loose, honest, and free. Best of all, just like hanging out with a couple of good friends, seeing them tonight won't cost you a dime. ANDREW R. TONRY
everythingisamiraclenothiingisamiracleeverythingis REVIEW in the Stranger:
two reviews from the portland willamette week:::Kickball, Clara Clara, Gal and Lad Valentine's | 232 SW Ankeny St., 248-1600[THE BEST KIDS] A Kickball show would be a party even if the audience never showed up to see it. The trio creates its own energy with frantic, schizophrenic disco beats that drive adventurous basslines and start-stop buzzsaw guitar?the whole mess of which can juggernaut from sexy, bleeding-heart dance funk into soaring, ecstatic Arcade Fire-style choruses before your oft-shaking ass can tell the difference. Those who have seen them will agree: One of the Northwest’s best bands is still playing some of its smallest venues. I have mixed feelings about this. CASEY JARMAN. Valentine’s. 8 pm. $3-$5. All ages.
Kickball, Typhoon, The Good Good Food Hole | 20 NW 3rd Ave.[AWKWARD LOVEMAKING MUSIC] No two Kickball shows are the same, but whether the group is in a sparkling new club, a dive bar or a dingy basement, the Olympia trio always seems to embrace and exploit the inherent awkwardness of each performance. In a small venue, Kickball sets up in front of the stage and makes it seem even smaller. Band members turn their backs on the crowd and carry on unintelligible conversations between songs. Singer-guitarist Jacob Wilson treats shows like disastrous first dates, his Robert Smith-meets-Will Oldham voice fluttering to each corner of the room in search of a window, his lips seldom touching the microphone. Somewhere during the band's set, each eccentricity becomes endearing as Kickball counters its introverted awkwardness with the kind of warmth and intragroup chemistry veteran jazz groups long for. First Kickball makes you blush; then it makes you wish more bands could be this good and, moreover, this free to be itself. CASEY JARMAN. Food Hole. 9 pm. $5. All ages.
Someone wrote nice things about our concept of time here: mp;task=view&id=675&Itemid=210

"everything is a miracle nothing is a miracle everything is"

((on High Fives and Handshakes Records))
The Vinyl has the same tracks as the Cd.

OUR DRUMMER DOES ALL THE MAIL ORDER AND ALSO IS BUSY SAVING INSECTS, SO PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 4 WEEKS TO RECEIVE YOUR ORDER. If you are ordering from across oceans or from Central and South America, or Canada, please click the button here below for an additional shipping charge of $5.
everything is a miracle
nothing is a miracle everything is

(2007) $10 - VINYL
everything is a miracle
nothing is a miracle everything is

(2007) $20 - cd [almost out of stock!]

My Interests


Member Since: 17/09/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: fayetteville, staten island and portland. someone said this about us on our blog:
"ok, that album is basically the soundtrack to my happiness. I love every single song on it and I can't stop listening to it never oh never ever ever amen.I got to see them play live and the lead singer is this tiny sprite of a man and he just SHREDS on his guitar and spazzes around the stage in his beat-up NBs and the drummer will change your life because she makes beats that didn't know they were so hot til she made them and the bass player is like "hey guys, I'm just a big teddy bear and you'll love me 'cause I drop the bass like a hot potato."what I'm saying is that I love kickball. and that's all."

this is what we look like:: &VideoID=10501986
Influences: baguettes, francois, charles, amelie, swimming, cheese, stoempf, settlers of catan, yellow van, jullian dupont, camille, roundabouts.
Sounds Like: kball/

Record Label: Houseopolis Records, Yo Yo, highfives&handshakes
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

the future

dear kickball friends,thank you for writing us or coming to our recent shows or otherwise being the wonderful person, band, venue, or thing you are. but please, for the love of barack obama, stop aski...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 09:59:00 GMT

we’re playing a show playing a show

hey peoplewe're playing a show this week. isnt that weird? come see it. in the time past that we havent been playing shows, weve been doing other things like running a farm, running breads, running be...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 01:26:00 GMT

peace is a good idea.

Someone from the darling nation of England sent us this message the other day. Hmmm.-----I was going to purchase your album today, but I think you’re cunts so I didnt bother. I bought Aussitot M...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:03:00 GMT

hibernating and producing for reals

dear dearest dears,Thank you for inviting us to play shows in so many places. We will get to Croatia, Philadelphia, Olympia, and New Jersey eventually. For now, though, we have gone into hibernation, ...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:15:00 GMT

on our concept of time

hey fools,Someone wrote about us on their music review BLOG and discusses our concept of timing. Its pretty cool. Find this here.LOVE KICKABALLA
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:35:00 GMT

KEXP interview online>>>!!

drummer did a phone interview with Rachel from Audioasis on KEXP [seattle] recently and it is posted online. read it here:
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 23:26:00 GMT

Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 20:49:00 GMT

drummer is

missing FRANCE.
Posted by on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 19:01:00 GMT

<<<<thank you for tourrrrrr!!!!!>>>>

YES thank you for tour, france belgium spain netherlands & germany. love love adam adam drummer drummer jake jacob
Posted by on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 19:35:00 GMT

do we have your heart too?

Read this review of our show and album. Its pretty sweet. xxdrummer -may-have-missed.html
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 23:36:00 GMT