MUSIC, stand-up comedy
People to talk about Oi! and Hardcore-punk. People who love the music and not always talking about politics into our music!!! I still love the music !!!!!
Oi! music and Hardcore-punk: Les Vilains, Condemned 84, Section 5, Skrewdriver, Emergency, The Véros, Razorblade, Get Out, Haircut, Offside, Evil Conduct, Barking Dogs, Kampfzone, Headcase, Super Yob, Last Resort, Skinflicks, Resistance 77, Perkele, Ultima Thule, Hard Resistance, Argy Bargy, Böhse Onkelz, Bonecrusher, Clockwork Crew, Convicted, Discipline, On File, Rose Tattoo, Street Dogs, Dropkick etc....
Greenstreet Hooligans, Football factory, Romper stomper, etc.
News and some stand-up comedy
Aspe, Dan Brown ....
* My mom who lives further into my heart since 04/11/2000*Richie