'..My NaMe iS miCQuiE i'M a siMpLe pErsOn..! '..sMaLL bUt tErRibLe..! sO tHat's iT.. :)
christopher cross - think of laura
'..aDd Me [email protected]..!
'..aHmm.. '..pLs! dOn't taLk tO mE whiLe i'M eAtiNg..!
'..tHe giRL iN mY dReAm'SsSs.. 'gOd..! En YOU..! ;O
'..i LiKe RnB... But OfcOurEs RAP.. 'i hAte rOck!
'..rUmBLe iN tHe bROnX'Ss By jACkiE cHaN.. ' bAby'S dAy Out..! eN aLL fUnNy mOviE.. sPecIaLLy mR.BeAN.. eHehEk'SsSs..
'..wOwOwEe...! 'eN aLL fUnNy mOvie =)..!
'..pLaybOy mAgAzinE's..! ehEHek'SsSs..! :)
'..aLL mY fRieNd..! sPeCiaLLy giRL iN mY dReAm'SssSs..! yEyzZzzz..! :)