my interests? hmmm..let's see...i like to play chess, volleyball, basketball, softball, soccer, and what else? oh yeah, i also enjoy singing, dancing, acting, sketching and reading books...I love watching medieval movies and i also enjoy reading about them...anyway, that's all for now...
well, I'd liKe tO mEet sOmeOne whO is coOl...ya knOw whAt I mEan? aNywAy, sOmeOne whO cAn gEt intO a gOod cOnvErSatiOn and sOmeOne wiTh a sEnsE of hUmOr..sOmeOne whO's niCe but nOt tOo mUch tHat iT bEcOmeS suFfOcAting, caRing and sOmeOne whO pRetTy mUch knOws hOw tO lEad...sOmeOne whO cAn bE in cOntrOl..aNyway, sOmeOne whO's plEasiNg tO lOok at, ey joke...hehehehe..till here... enjOi.. Au rEvOir mOnsEiuRs, mAdemOisellEs..
aNy kiNd wOuld lOng as its gOod mUsic.. =p
tOo many to be mentiOned :p
i do a whole lot of watching ^_^
Historical romance, greek mythology, greek drama, romance, medieval books and so on...
Roses are red FILIPINOS are brown thats my race so don't put it down!!Ma filipino pride I will not hide Ma filipino race I will not disgrace Ma filipino blood flows hot & true Ma filipino gente will always stand by thru thick & thin till the day we die Our filipino flag higher than all tha rest cuz every 1 knows filipinos ARE THE BEST!!!filipino Pride is mah mind filipino blood is mah kind So step aside and let me through Cuz its all about tha filipino crew Life sucks and then u die, but if ur a filipino u die with pride!!!!mabuhay ang pilipnas!!!