Creating art and music, listening to music, going to see local bands and big headliner concerts, observing the world around me, chillin' with my friends, architecture, illustrating comics or graphic novels as well as other types of illustration (although I've had nothing published yet....need to find the right writter)
Creative people, contemplative people, philosophical people, fellow artists and musicians as well as writters. Other than that anything goes I like everyone as long as they don't do me wrong.
Metal, punk, electronic, trip-hop, blues, classic rock, grunge, reggae, funk, jazz, swing..... the list could go on and on, but, let's just say anything except country. If it sounds good to me or turns me on I love it.
Usual Suspects, Snatch, Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs, Love and a .45, Natural Born Killers, Employee of the Month, O' Brother Where Art Thou, most artsy or visually creative and stimulating movies, film noire, anything dark or creepy, a lot of horror and sci-fi, anything with Christoher Walken, most anything with Kiefer Sutherland (he's just so good at playing the creepy roles), anything done by Tim Burton, most films that make me think, obscure things noone has ever heard of and many other things as well.
Rots the brain although I do like crime shows like CSI and 24 oh yeah and Heroes owns the television!
I don't read a whole lot but when I do I enjoy a good suspense/thriller, horror, or the occasional drama (not the sappy love story there is a difference) I really need to read more. I also read things to educate myself on my interests.
R.I.P. Jason Emelander You are greatly missed! Losing a friend like you is one of the most painful things I have ever gone through.