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I am here for Friends

About Me

hellur!im Glorianne De Leon.my burrtday is on Feb. 15 .im a filipina [i aint no chinese.mkay!] and im totally PROUD. i basicly live on music. music makes me really happy. my friends and family are my all [i could never live without them]. i love to hang out with my friends, even even though we get in trouble most of the time...but thats how we roll tumble.lmao. in school i play the viola in orchestra. yeah...i kno im a geek.lol.but its really fun. im the kind of person that will burst out laughing without a reason [laughter can not be stopped, only passed on] if you ever hang out around me, you'll probobly notice that i have some "issues" [mental problems], i just need help with things every now and then. im either the best person youll meet or the biggest beeyatch in the world [choose one] the one main thing i try to do is make life totally fun and worth it!mkay.♥[yesurr!]this is me. love me for who i am.....not for who im not! i may not be like any other person you've met.....but thats just what makes me "ME". who says we have to be like this or like that? its my choice, my dicision, and my life. make it the best.....don't let one small thing kick you ass! [this is life....live it!]

My Interests

hangin out at the mall with my friends. talkin on the phone. messin around. go'in on myspace. go'in to starbucks. chewing bubble-gum.....and you ;] j/k

I'd like to meet:



im into alternative.rock.punk. bands like hellogoodbye, the rocket summer, cartel, the all-american rejects, boys like girls, the fray, motion city soundtrack, callalily, plain white t's, panic!at the disco, fallout boy, mayday parade, school boy humor...ect.


anything funny and interesting.


im reading invisible bunnies right now.


family- ofcourse you gotta love the fambam....although they are usually embarrassing and weird.Rachel Judge- mkay.she's a really hyper girl...to top that, she's frikkin shmart!Jasmine Bowser- she is the greatest daughter anyone could ever have! .....oohh! and she has madd DDR skillz. [hex yeah] i love her to death! even though her husband is a frikkin ass munch!!!Justin Burrell-okay....he may have "issues" but he is totally tight! and he's a great son.Melanie Crawford- [evil!run away!] LMAO. she's a really great person.....i used to copy off of her in math. X]Victoria Stines- she is one of the greatest big sisters ever! and she's a ballarina. lolCourtney Hertz- hmmm.....corny?? oohh....she is just WONDERFULL enough said.Joel Foster-WOW! he is the craziest out of all my nefyoos! ooohh.....and i love his hair! its goes "flip.Flip.flip" hahaha.....i love u kidd!Ryan Stone- hahaha....ryan got stoned! he is sooo stupid! [in a good way] if you tell him to do somthing totally dumb....he will do it. he's my craziest child, but i love him anyways.Randall Higgins- awww.....i love this little man! he is one of the sweetest guys ever!

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