PisiMademoiseLLe profile picture



About Me

DREAM: Pronunciation: 'drEm Function: noun, often attributive : a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep and especially during REM sleepFunction: verb Inflected Form: dreamed /'drem(p)t, 'drEmd/ or dreamt /'drem(p)t/; dreaming /'drE-mi[ng]/ intransitive senses 1 : to have a dream 2 : to indulge in daydreams or fantasies dream transitive senses : to have a dream of dreamer /'drE-m&r/ noun"Love is when the desire to be desired takes you so badly that you feel you could die of it." -Henri de Toulouse Lautrec MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"I have the gift of neither the spoken nor the written word, especially if I have to say something about myself or my work. Whoever wants to know something about me -as an artist, the only notable thing- ought to look carefully at my pictures and try and see in them what I am and what I want to do."-Gustav Klimt




'I think life is a fairie tale. I find it very tiring when people think magic is like in David Copperfield or like the Ghostbusters. No, I totally, just to set the record straight, I believe, I'm very much into magic and fairies. Yeah. I'm probably the biggest fan of magic realism there is. You know, Lorca, Frida Kahlo. The sagas of Iceland are similar to that: down-to-earth, common-sense, bread-and-butter. It is real. And I don't believe in escapism, fantasy, I believe in the magic that is just there. But I can't, say, write out my life because that would kill it. I don't want to know what happens next, you know? That's very important to me.'-Bjork



