Brian profile picture


Lawyers are the modern day drug dealers, everyone has one on speed dial

About Me

Hi, I'm Brian, welcome to "My" Space. I really don't know what to say about myself here. I am a much better question answerer then I am story teller. Well unless I'm drunk then I do pretty good with the stories....LOL

Anyway, I am a little bit of a complicated person. I am also a random type person. I have good days and bad days. Sometimes I kinda feel Bi-Polar. :-(

I enjoying meeting people from all around the world. I enjoy learning new things and adapting things to myself from other cultures in the ultimate goal of self - perfection. Don't be afraid to hit me up for a chat anytime you can catch me online. I enjoy chatting about a variety of subjects.

    AOL: intelbri YAHOO: intelbri1 MSN: [email protected] MySpace IM:

Below is a questionaire that should give you a little bit more information about me. Anything else you can read on my page or simply hit me up for a chat and actually be a FRIEND, now that would be a concept. :-)

Name: Brian McKenzie
Birthdate: August 8, 1980
Birthplace: Palm Springs, CA
Current Location: Florida
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde/Light Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175lbs
Piercings: None
Tatoos: none
Overused Phraze: However
Food: I love Food...yum
Candy: Not big on Candy, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Number: 13
Color: Blue/Grey
Animal: Dog
Drink: Mountain Dew
Alcohol Drink: Captain Morgan & Coke
Bagel: Blueberry
Letter: Fav Letter, is this a joke?
Body Part on Opposite sex: opposite sex, :-P
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Depends.....
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Both
Kiss or Hug: Depends
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Depends where I am at
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both
Love or Money: Love, but love with money would be awesome too
Bedtime: Whenever
Most Missed Memory: I'll think on this
Best phyiscal feature: Smile
First Thought Waking Up: Why?
Goal for this year: Stay out of Jail :-)
Best Friends: I managed to tag a couple
Weakness: Naked Guys :-)
Fears: snakes, spiders, my eyes bleeding
Heritage: German, Am. Indian, Scottish, White
Ever Drank: Yep
Ever Smoked: Yep
Pot: Yep
Ever been Drunk: Yep
Ever been beaten up: Nope
Ever beaten someone up: Nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yep
Favorite Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Favorite Hair Color: Don't Matter
Short or Long: Depends
Height: Don't Matter
Style: Don't Matter
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: Got Any?
Muscular or Really Skinny: LOL....I tend to like really skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: You shouldn't regret anything, but a couple
What country do you want to Visit: One I havn't
How do you want to Die: In my Sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: ummm...define lately
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love em
Get along with your Parents: ummm...I guess
Health Freak: LOL
Do you think your Attractive: Yep
Believe in Yourself: Yep
Want to go to College: Been, wouldn't mind going back
Do you Smoke: Yep
Do you Drink: Yep
Shower Daily: Yep
Been in Love: Yep
Do you Sing: Can't carry a tune, but yes
Want to get Married: umm...been, not so confident about again.
Do you want Children: Have 2 beautiful ones
Have your future kids names planned out: Bailey & Alexis
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: umm...I plead the 5th
Hate anyone: Most Everyone

My Poetry

Some of you have asked to read more of my poetry. So here is all of my poetry not including the one in my blog. I hope you all enjoy. :-D


I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Surrounded By A Dark Blanket of Emptiness
With the Beds Warm Embrace
I Begin to Drift
With Shuttering Eyelids
The Mind Begins to Wander
With Images Unknown
Yet So Clearly Seen
I Begin to Wonder
About a Dreamers Dream
So Easily Lost
With The Eye of Light
--Brian J. McKenzie


We Are The People Of The World
Black, White, Brown, Red, Yellow and Purple
Each Created Equal and Fully Capable
Unique In Every Way
By The Same Process That Creates All People
We Are Men,
We Are Women,
We Are Husbands
And We Are Wives
We Are Fathers,
We Are Mothers,
We Are Sons
And We Are Daughters
We Are The Few, The Many
We Are The Weak And The Proud
Linked Together In The Puzzle Of Life
With The Same Genetic Key
As Everyone Else
We Are Colored For A Dash Of Variety
And Individuality
Physically Different To Be Compatible
We Are Gay,
We Are Straight
And Everything In Between
We Are You
And You Are We
The People Of The World
In The Family Of Life
--Brian J. McKenzie

Fear Known

As we walk through the shadow of death
The heart begins to pace
The breath becomes uneven.
Fear spirals down the spine with each step taken
Closer and closer we pull ourselves towards the light
A light unknown yet so mesmerizing
Questions race through the mind
What is it?
What’s in it?
What’s on the other side?
Emotion so strong we begin to cry
The shadow of death is upon you
Only one story left to tell
The story of the light
Answers become clear
Fear begins to pulse
The light is history
History of ourselves
One’s greatest fear is now known
Not knowing yourself
--Brian J. McKenzie

For You Dear

For You Dear, I Want Nothing Less Then The Best
For You Dear, I Wake Before All The Rest
For You Dear, Are More Than The Rest
For You Dear, I See Clearly
And For You Dear I Write This
Because Of You
I Found Myself
--Brian J. McKenzie

It’s A Gay O’ World

We Live Life Beyond Our Means
Take Life To The Extremes
We Hide Behind Our Fears
And Shield Our Tears
We Hide Who We Are
Based On What We See
Pass Judgement Based
Upon Opinion Not Our Heart
This Is The World
In Which We Live
But Not The World
In Which We Are From
--Brian J. McKenzie


Secrets, Secrets, Secrets,
Around Every Corner and Up Every Street
Like Vast Neighborhoods
The Secrets Meet
Some Good Some Bad
Some Mighty and Some Small
Each Unique As The First
Just Like The Story
Some Are Believable
Some Are Not
But Each Holds A Key
Mighty Indeed
To Some Unknown Deed
Deeds Be Known
And Trust Be Broken
Paranoia and Blame Rip Through These
Like Wildfire in a Forest
All These Secrets and All This Shame
Wrecks More Lives
Then We Care To Blame
Once a Story Always a Story
Mighty and Unique
Secrets Come and Secrets Go
But the Pain is Everlasting
--Brian J. McKenzie


I Share All My Hopes,
My Dreams and My Fears
I Share All My Joys
And All My Pain
I Share All That is Me
I Share All The Moments
And All The Life
I Share Me
I Share In Hopes That One Day
I May Share It With You
You Are Me
--Brian J. McKenzie


From the first moment I spoke to you
The words constructed from the depths of my soul
A pain so deep
So terrifying
The more I knew of you
The more I understood
Why a pain so deep
So terrifying
It isn’t what you think or thought
Of a pain so deep
It wasn’t a pain of pain
But instead a pain of weak
For a man so sure
That the man I seek
Was the cause of a pain so deep
A deep pain of weak
For the man I seek
Is the man for which I was speaking
I knew instantly then and there
This man was it
For me, there, could be no other
Yet tragedy wins
For great distances appear
How could this be love
A love so far
A love so deep
But could not keep
But now I see
A love to keep
For a love so deep
Is cherished
My stupidity baffles me
How could I not see
The one true thing
Great battles were fought
Great distances overcome
To be with the one
The battles were won
The distance still comes
For one true thing
That I know without a doubt
Is my love for you
Is a love so deep
So strong
So unconditional
That no battle or distance is too great
For this love is SO DEEP
-Brian J. McKenzie

Steps of Life

You Were Created With the Delicacy of a Rose
And the Sweetness of Pure Sugar
Nurtured With the Tender Loving Supplements of Your Mother
Raised With the Strength of Your Father
Encouraged To Be Yourself
Everything You Can Be and Everything You Are
Released To The World
By The Torments Of The World
Grown To Be Dignified As Dignity Will Allow
To Make Yourself
These Are the Steps That We Take
Each Delicate And Great
As the Earth Itself
Step by Step We All Endure
The Greatness Of Great
The Steps of Life
-Brian J. McKenzie


The Warmth of the Golden Sunset Settles
Beyond the Edge of Eternity
A Cool Gentle Breeze Blows
Opening a Speckled Heaven
As Darkness Prevails
Creatures of Light Rest
While Creatures of Darkness Stir
With Each Rustle of the Night
Fear Dominates the Air
With Each Breath of the Wind
Whispers of All Will Be Heard
The Watcher of Night
Shines Across the Land
Bringing a Sobering Peace
And With It
The Call of Midnight
-Brian J. McKenzie

Then We Die

We Are Born To A World
With Open Arms
As Time Goes
Open Arms Become Closed
Fear, Hatred and Violence
The Deadliest Diseases Known To Man Kind
We Live To Hate
Instead of Living To Live
and Living To Love
We Are Born
Then We Die
-Brian J. McKenzie


Too Often We Live Life Without Fun
Too Often We Have Fun Without Life
Too Often We Let Strangers Pass
Without Even a Glance
Too Often We Abuse Those Who Are Dear
Too Often We Don’t Love Those Who Are Near
There Is No Life Without Fun
There is No Fun Without Life
Strangers Impact Our Lives More
Than Those Who Are Dear
Too Often We Are Blind To This
-Brian J. McKenzie

A Whirlwind

I came from a whirlwind
A whirlwind of unknown
And a whirlwind of pain
No matter how hard I tried
I never could be relinquished from its grips
Many days and hours past
Age began to set in
Depression my best friend
What was once beautiful is now only a whirlwind of memories
To my weakened mind
Changes had to be done
So off I went
Through the winding road
As quick as the wind itself
Nothing to lose, nothing to gain
All was lost, except the shell of me
When all was bleak and dark
No help from those who matter most
Depression my best friend
Set in
Then light at the end of the tunnel
Shown through, halting a whirlwind
A whirlwind of never ending depression
For hope arose
Only to my dismay did I find
That hope would eventually be that of my demise
Hatred, pain and depression would shatter my body
Like a porcelain doll
Will I survive this I do not know
For survival of such a weak mind
Would be an adventure
A test of mind, body and spirit
For who holds the truth of tomorrow
We shall see as we continue down this
Winding path lead so ever more by a whirlwind
Of memories, pain, and depression.
--Brian J. McKenzie


I lay me down to sleep
With Joy, Hope, and Grief
All that I want to see is my Boy
The boy of my dreams
Dreams of Gold
And Dreams of Passion
Dreams so soft and so sweet
So Wild and untamed
The boy of my dreams
Who haunts me so
The one in which I proclaim
To spend eternity with
Dreams of the boy
So clear and so deep
Clarified memories
Of the boy I dream
Dreams of a boy
For which I sleep
Each night so softly and gently
Till the morning rise
And dreams of a boy
Become no more
For dreams of a boy
--Brian J. McKenzie

My Interests

The Everything Test

There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests, purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all.

Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for a personality test.We're turning that upside down - all the questions affect all the results, and we've got some innovative results too! Enjoy :-)

You are more logical than emotional, more concerned about self than concerned about others, more atheist than religious, more loner than dependent, more lazy than workaholic, more traditional than rebel, more engineering mind than artistic mind, more idealist than cynical, more leader than follower, and more introverted than extroverted.

As for specific personality traits, you are romantic (86%), slutty (76%), innovative (71%), horny (67%).

Punk Rock 80%
White Trash 77%
Young Professional 70%
Life Experience
Sex 63%
Substances 62%
Travel 53%

Your political views would best be described as Socialist, whom you agree with around 78% of the time. Socioeconomic
Your attitude toward life best associates you with Middle Class. You make more than 82% of those who have taken this test, and 8% less than the U.S. average.

If your life was a movie, it would be rated R.
By the way, your hottness rank is 57%, hotter than 37% of other test takers.
brought to you by thatsurveysite

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet everyone who wouldn't mind teaching me about themselves, their cultures, lifestyles...etc that would allow me to better myself in the process or anyone who wouldn't mind learning something from me that I might be able to pass along.

Famous People I would like to meet.......



I am such a movie person. I used to watch nothing but movies, movies and more movies. I even had a large collection of movies. Now, I have moved too many times and had too many things stolen from me to have that collection anymore. Nor do I really have the time for many movies these days. It really is sad. Such enjoyment gone. However, I do try to keep up so here are a few of my favorite ones. These are both old and recent.

    American Pie
    Lord of the Rings
    Star Wars
    Happy Feet
    The Never Ending Story
    American History X
    Friday the 13th
    Moulin Rouge
    Kinky Boots
    Harry Potter (All)
    The Craft

......And Tons More

Ok, so I could list movies for days and days and days and probably still not be able to cover all of the movies that I like. So instead I limited it to 20 movies that I like. It is a variety of movies so you can see kinda how my general taste in movies are. Basically I love all types of movies....


If it wasn't for DVR I would seriously just have to sit down on the couch and cry. These days unlike when I was younger there are so many channels with such good shows on them that without the DVR I would never be able to keep up or even catch up. Technology is such a blessed thing. :-) Makes me happy.

    The Closer
    C.S.I. (Vegas)
    Kyle XY
    So You Think You Can Dance
    Brother & Sisters
    Desperate Housewives
    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Veronica Mars
......and more


You know, I really don't read as much as I probably should. I guess it is a habit because I have never in my life really read a whole lot. I do read, however, when I have nothing better to do or when I am traveling (which I do a lot of) so it isn't a complete loss. Here are some of the beautiful books I have had the pleasure of reading.



My Blog

Lips of an Angel

A cool wind blowsThrough the darkness of eternityA midnight watcher shinesHis warm embrance across the landAs mother nature restsThe wind howls its bitter sweet sorrowIn the light of the night a beaut...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 01:18:00 PST

My Babies

The Two Most Important People In My Life My Son Bailey My Daughter Alexis ...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:14:00 PST