I smoke too much
I don't drink that much
I always lose my lighters
I always eat the fortune cookie first before I read it
my car is a white piece of shit (hey, it really is white)
I don't bite my nails anymore
I love Heelys
I like downloading everything
I never get sick
sometimes I don't think I look Asian
I eat ribs
I am late to school a lot
I want to own my own salon one day
I think brussel sprouts smell like poo
I HAVE to look at all road kill
I hate where I live
my feet hurt all the time
none of my irl friends have myspaces hardly
--- likes ---+
+ maple story
+ sleeping
+ hair stuff
+ smoking
+ movies
+ being fucking crazy
+ driving fast
+ cursing
+ eating
+ concerts
+ music
+ good surprises
+ my fucking heelys
--- dislikes ---+ neopets
+ waking up early
+ arguing
+ rude people
+ ham
+ winter
+ dirt under my nails
+ a lot of people
+ bad drivers
+ a lot of girls
I have a lot of things I hate but I don't feel like typing them all
--- info ---------
1. First thing you did this morning
2. Last thing you ate?
A salad.
3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
Motorola i850
4. What's the thing you look forward to most in the next 6 months?
My birthday and graduating
5. What's annoying you right now?
I need $$$.
6. What's the last movie you saw in a theater?
In Pursuit of Happyness
7. Do you believe in long distance relationships
They can be okay but usually don't work
8. What's Worse?
a) getting hurt
b) people not being real with you
c) not getting everything you try so hard for
Hmm, all? XD
9. Is there someone you miss?
Old friends
10. What inspires you?
11. If you could put together a concert of 5 bands or artists, who would you choose?
Radiohead, The Roots, String Cheese, Mos Def, & Jurassic 5
12. Song that sums up your love life??
I don't know the name to it!
13. What's one thing you wish you were better at doing?
Saving money, not being lazy
14. If you could be anywhere this second, where would it be? Japan
15. What's your most vivid memory from 6th grade?
My first detention
16. Latest addiction?
17. Have you ever had the slight urge to kill someone?
18. How many people would you say were interested in you?
19. What do you love doing?
Going to concerts, smoking heady herb, spending time with my boyfriend, spending money
20. Do you think someone thinks about you daily?
I know that he does
21. Who was the last person you saw or talked to?
22. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A hair stylist
23. What is your favorite food?
Chicken cheesesteaks
24. How many people do you know with the same name as yours?
Like, 2
25. What was the last thing you spilled?
I don't remember
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Stability |||||| 26%
a href="http://similarminds.com/types/orde