Football, music, friends, girls, drinkin, eatin the usual.....!!!!!
(for batman)
Well i like all sorts of films really except horrors. There all the same and are all shit, bar SAW which i recently watched and thought was fuckin amazing!! i love watchin films with clever endings - usual suspects being one of the best endings ever cos its soo clever!! i love the snatch/lock stock/layercake films. fuckin awesome!! alsothe Adam Sandler films are wicked, mr deeds/waterboy/happy gilmoure all amazing films!!! Also the older tarentino films are good like resevoir dogs and pulp fiction but i feel kikll bill wasnt as good as the others. i also love gangster movies, the classics- godfather 1,2 and 3, Scarface being a fucking legendary film. Goodfellas is another amazing gangster film. Favourite actor is really either Kevin Spacey - Usual suspects, Pay it forward (good film hayley joel osmond), and a time to kill being favoutrites. or Samuel L Jackson in the part he played in Pulp Fiction he was awesome!!! I just love watchin films really!!
these boys are legendary - see the children in need photo's!