selene profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Sometimes I lay awake at night, and ponder on the day. I think of things that happened, and think "there is no better way". Some nights I lay there smiling, remembering things my friends have said. To put that smile on my face, as I lay here in my bed. And as I smile, I wonder, what my day would have been like. Without a friend to think of, as I lay down for the night. So to all my friends I must say this, though some are near and some are far... I "luv" you all and hold you dear, And you all know who you are. So tonight when I lay down to rest, and sleep for a little while.... I'll wonder just which one of you, will say something to make me "Smile". mE anD JoDi!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

My LoNg LoSt fRiEnDs aNd mOrE fRiEnDs aLoNg tHe wAy.. jUz fEeL fReE tO aDd mE [email protected]


~"I Will"~~I WiLL~ wHo KnOws hOw LoNg I'vE LoVeD yOu? yOu KnOw I LoVe yOu sTiLL. WiLL I wAiT a LoNeLy LiFeTiMe? If yOu wAnT mE tO I wiLL. foR iF I eVeR sAw yOu, I DiDn'T CaTcH yOuR nAmE. bUt iT NeVeR rEaLLy MaTTeReD, I WiLL aLwAyS fEeL ThE sAmE. LoVe yOu FoReVeR aNd FoReVeR, LoVe yOu WiTh aLL mY hEaRt, LoVe yOu wHeNeVeR We'Re ToGeThEr, LoVe yOu wHeN We'Re aPaRt. AnD wHeN aT LaSt I FiNd yOu, yOuR sOnG wiLL fiLL tHe AiR; SiNg iT LoUd sO I cAn hEaR yOu. MaKe iT EaSy tO bE nEaR yOu. FoR tHe tHiNgS yOu dO eNdEaR yOu tO mE, aH, yOu KnOw I WiLL. I WiLL. i LoVe yOu


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ErMm..MaGaZiNeS..aNd iNtErEsTiNg NoVeLs???=p


mY mOm aNd mY fRiEnDz..=)