refreshing profile picture


because I want to be more than I am...

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Tulips!

I'm smart, funny, beautiful, determined and starting a new Worship Dance Leader's Network. Ask me about it.

My Interests

Worship dance, Karate and martial arts, Modern Dance, Swing Dancing, Latin dancing and music, Worship music, creating costumes, techie toys, books that teach you how to know others better and good communication, kittens, health foods and holistic medicine, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Leaders of every description, people with a passion for worshiping Jesus, people who love to dance...


I'm not gonna list a lot of bands here... I like a bit of everything. If I can sing it or dance to it, I'm in.


comedies and love stories. I cannot be dragged kicking and screaming to a horror flick. My faves include Princess Bride, Star Wars, Cutting Edge and Pirates of the Caribbean.


I don't watch much TV, there are better things to do.


the Bible, books about making money and communication.


Amelia Bloomer... the first woman to own a printing press and start a paper. She also started the radical thinking that women could wear pants! She's in my bloodline.My father... the hardest working person I know with a standard of excelence in everything he does.

My Blog

50 things Im thankful for this year

50 Things I'm Thankful For1. My job2. My friends3. My boyfriend4. My boss, Michael5. My home6. My family and parents7. Chocolate8. Sharp scissors and knives9. Intelligent machines10. My prelude11. My ...
Posted by refreshing on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:49:00 PST

upity-date part deux

Hi everybody...So I haven't written a blog in an uber long time. I'm not even really sure what the last one is about. So I'll give you all a snapshot of my life as it is right now. And maybe it wil...
Posted by refreshing on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:17:00 PST

upitydate 2

Hi Fam and friends!I hope everyone is well. I love and miss you all! I haven't sent one of these out in a while, so I thought I'd update everyone on ME. I'm still working at my church, Oasis Worshi...
Posted by refreshing on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:01:00 PST

thankful... one day late

Hello folks, A good friend inspired me to try making a list of 50 things that I love/am thankful for. Let's see how I do.1. Jesus Love for me and daily mercy2. My mom and dad3. Michael and Shaun4. S...
Posted by refreshing on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 08:49:00 PST

I feel pretty... oh so pretty...

    Hi everyone!  The weather lately has just been fan-tabu-lastic!!  Michael and I have been getting to know eachother.  This whole being in love stuff is so much fun.&n...
Posted by refreshing on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 07:32:00 PST


Hello.  Today I slept in till 1pm.  Yesterday I took 3 buckets of clothes and shoes to Salvation army and went to my cool new church.Thrusday I cleaned house all day and had a rootbeer float...
Posted by refreshing on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 01:11:00 PST

now what?

I graduated! What the heck does that mean? I've got to figure out what to do now! I have too many options! Does that sound odd? I don't know which way to go cuz there are too many ways to go! I'...
Posted by refreshing on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

almost a green belt!

Hey, I just got my new green candidate belt just in time for saint paddy's day! wWooo hoo! Karate is fun! I've got a lot going. I just took the GMAT... grad school comin up very soon. I graduate...
Posted by refreshing on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST