paula profile picture



About Me

me>? i can say im UniQuE,SeXy,CraZY,wIld. and
0fCorz SWEET! peoPle say im sorta mature 4 mah age? well
who giVes..haha half filipina,indian,spanish..chiK proud2BE
goin to the states so0n better future there.. well.
love hangin out with ma friends.. specialy in d mall!(rocKweL&GB3)..;D& i Love having fun at th NIGHT!! W grill mostly,...club5 yea?PaRtyPooPerR! but mostly house partais rox!hahah yeah my motto is "ENJOY!".1word that means so much!love cheerleading.. i love playing tha guitar. dream to
become a singer 1 day..i love writingsongs. and i am SHOPPAHOLIC".! mIniskirts,cutetops!mwhahaha!hehe ;D. i olso luv havin a luv KISSIN!ahah...Jk. welL.who doesnt? well.. ryt now im
rili focusin on ma studies:) gud 4 me.. im in d TOP! ehe
top 6 in ma class...well UnNo what to saY so ya'L just
Judge meh when you see meh! Trust me youL love meh!
hahahahah ;D just ENJOY LYF!maKe d Most 0ut of It aryt..
cyah.. MwAaaHZZ! :p

;Name: Paula
Msn: popbaby5@hotmail
Yahoo: Sweetasschik35

My Interests

PArTyiNg, CLuBbiNg, Hangin out With freNdS, &being with Bois, FLirting, ShoPping, Skirts, sp0rts, Beach!, roxxY, babb0, peopleRpeople!$inging, cheerleading, Dancing, (all types) playing d guitar, chatting, malling, swimming.. whatever is FUN!and yes. fun,talkative,outgoin,adventurous peEpZ!3 and sweeties.3

I'd like to meet:

Who I Want to Meet: i waNna MeEt "down to Earth PeEps" who are just fun to be with!! and well h0TTies!;D lol and WiLD Pe0Ple who Know the meaning of FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!so to ALL the Fun people add meh but ofcorz you gotta knw Me 1st!!3


Music: ~~~~~HIP-HOP&RNB!!.~~~~~(chiLLout:like D'sound&cafedel mar!)I DNT LIKE ROCK?its for anGry people but im a haPPY person!house&SeNti.. anythin that s0unds sLick!


Movies: hotchik, bringiton, 10thingsih8boutu, scarymovie, legalyblonde1&2, Honey, crazybeautifL, romeo&juLiet, ugotserved!, exorsist(when in the mood to get freakdout)willywonkaschocolatefactroy, littlemermaid!MeanGiirls, 13, freaKyfriday, LOL i can go ON&ONn!3 lets just say.. mostly teen movies, scary when in the mood(Like with boiis)hahah! comedy with girlfrends!3


Shows: charmed, sex&thecitY, that s0 raven, LiZZie., ~~american idol, pUnkd&diSsMiSeD&5thwheel, BLINddate!lt,MusicVideos,Mtvcribz,bradybunch,fearfactor,beli eveitorNot, kenan&keLL.etc.,dePending on witch show. i mean there are some seasons that are boring.. but i like tv,i just dont have time to wacth.. Busy meehh./.;/;----


Books: chiken soup 4 d teEnage soul..?! i like magazines betteR.! but i do like some books,the ones i learn alot from like the dictionary. nyeheh! nah. well interesting books. but im not much of a fan of it.. oh well.. ;D


Joserizal.. LOL jk. i dont even know him, how could he be my heroe? well he would be a strong,loving man,who will take me away from this messd up world and we could fly togethr&be happy ever after.. thats my SUPERHERO!;D LOL..

My Blog


okies for those of you who wanna know more about me, i got a journal. .u can check it out i mostly write there.. so yeah! oh well. urgh i just got an operation do...
Posted by paula on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I am new here..<3

hey! this is my first time herr. i have no idea what its like.. but il check it out, seems priity interesting., ., check out my journal page:, add me here. sweetasschik...
Posted by paula on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST