About Me I'm 18 andmy name's Carla. People
tend to call me by different names so I'm not going towrite down my nicknames
or anything. I'm from Barcelona; I was born here but Ihave been only been
living here (officially) for about 4 years now. I usedto live in Manila,
Philippines and that's the reason why I can speak inEnglish so well (so don't
ask me about that anymore). I'm inlove with music soif you think your band is
awesome, send me a message or just add me. Oh. Ifyou're gonna add me just to
have more friends in your list, forget aboutit.
They say
that I am a book without an argument that I don't knowIf I go or leave that I
get lost among my dreams. They say that I am a frozenocean that I have to laugh
more and talk less. They say that I am a black cat andbad luck that I kidnapped
your mind and devoured your ability to reasonout.
So criticize me, or idolize me. Study from a distance or stand right beside me. Itdon't matter, just act like I know. And watch your back on the beat. Or getsacked at the free-throw.
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