Jim profile picture


Live everyday like there is no tomorrow!

About Me

I am a Kentucky boy and pround of it. I grew up in Louisville, KY., but now live in a nowhere town in Illinois population 3000. Not excatly what I call the city. I like the fact that I have street skills, and know how to survive in the woods. That was an unexpected surprise. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army 82-87, I also use to travel alot. Now I have setteled down in the nowhere town and enjoying life.

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My Interests

Music is my life. Walking my dog. Being outdoors in the woods preferably, but outside will do. I enjoy reading Stephen King. I love movies. History and historical places. The United States Armed Services. A beautiful woman who doesn't act like she is all that. The truthful and honest people. No one likes a phony. A fast ride although I can not drive anymore because of medical reasons. Always the company of good friends and close family.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Ozzy, Zakk Wylde, Dale Earnhardt Jr. and some regular people for good conversation and common interest.This video comes from Zakk Wylde, Lead guitarist for Ozzy and leader of Black Label Society. All around Metal Madman! I put it on for the 4th of July, but we as a nation need this now more than ever.This my music loving friends is the man!!! May he R.I.P.


Everything from Classic AC/DC to ZZ top and all points in between.
These videos are for all my fellow Veterans. We know that you are just doing your Duty. I have nothing but love and respect for all of you. May these conflicts be solved, and you come HOME safely and swiftly. God Bless America and her fighting men and women.

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The African Queen, Jaws, Sling Blade, Men of Honor, Apocolypse Now, Forrest Gump, Castaway, Platoon, Boys of Company C, We Were Soldiers, Dumb and Dumber, The Exorcist, Man on Fire(The Re-make)and I could keep going on and on. A big movie lover!


Not much but, when I do it is mostly the Discovery Channels and National Geographic. Anything where I can learn something about are World.


I am addicted to Stephen King. I also like Dean Koontz, Peter Straub, Edgar Allen Poe, these are but some of my favorites. I also will read almost any non-fiction books.


My Dad, Evil Knievil, Ozzy, Stephen King, Dale Earnhardt Sr., Dale Earnhardt Jr., Big Daddy Don Gartlis, All the men and women who risk and give their lives so we can live Free. FREEDOM ISN'T FREE!!!

My Blog

Letters Home From the Garden of Stone Video

I am an Army Veteran and Everlast has told the soldiers side of Iraq. They don't want to be there anymore than we want them there. I know that the video is graphic, and that will probably run off the ...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:46:00 PST

Do you love music?

I live for music! If you can't get enough tunage in your head, and want to say something about your favorite artists. Drop a few lines or just say hey.
Posted by Jim on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 02:28:00 PST