The story of Alien Devils started when Mic ended his partnership with industrial/goth band named Odalisque 1999. Determinded to start a new group He met keyboard player "Miss X Medusa" 2000. Together they started to look for a new mates to play with and Medusa Inanna was deformed 2001 with Möde & Silly Willy. Band made few gigs and two demos and broke on 2004...2005 Kouvola vekaranjärvi - Mic met a curious genleman named Brandy...
it took about 2 months to realize they both had played in the bands before
..cause they were too busy to chat about drinking, partying, women & shit...
So they went into the army barracks (sotku) to jam and decided to form new band. The legendary singer drummer John Wine was dug out from his grave and they started to Jam...2006 always so graceful Roza joined the pact with keys and the Alien Devils was borned!
Alien Devils -Ghost
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