QVOLE to all you chismoso y chismosas well first of all my name is CRyStaL but known by MUneKA I'm 18 birthdays in may I post up in the city of LA tu sabes but live in sb;-( I have a lil girl (Samantha ROSALINDA) Y ES MI TODO SPENca y NO DISreSpeCt to AlL u jeFiTas out TheRE perRo my baBy girL is the cutEsT lOok foR ur self llol ass fOr my BaBbiS DADdy I do veRry much lovE hiM pERRo no entinde wells back to me hehe. Dont boothEr hitting mE up If aLl U brIng iS draMA cuz I aiN't witH it well I'm TiErd of typing so alratos don't be shy got QuEStionS then aSk I D ont bighT