... were founded in Hamm/Germany when five friends came together to make music that is heavily influenced by early 90s alternative music like Green Day or Nirvana, especially the second coming of punk. Their songs reflect growing up in the suburbs of the Ruhr Area and trying to balance social expectations and individual desires. Their songs are a melting pot of almost all the different styles of rock music out there. The songs range from fast Punk-Rock and heavy guitar driven Rock-Songs to bittersweet Rock-ballads. They describe their music as Punge-Rock, a reference to the Punk and Grunge-Music which first inspired them to form a band.
... wurden Ende 2002 gegruendet. Ihr Musikstil ist eine bunte Mischung aus den unterschiedlichsten Stilen moderner Rock und Alternative Musik. Sie vereinen in ihrem Punge-Rock Einfluesse aus dem Punk-Rock, Hard-Rock und Grunge. Im Vordergrund des Songwritings stehen eingaengige Melodien, mal gepaart mit schnellen und mal mit eher ruhigen, atmosphaerischen Gitarrenriffs.
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