Reading, writing, martial arts (Brazilian jiujitsu, Kali/escrima, Kungfu, Taijiquan), spending time with my family, going out to pubs, having a good time with friends, internet, TV, etc.
80s music for the most part but open to all kinds. Tokyo Blade, AC/DC, the Beatles (they started it all), Classic Rock, Southern Rock (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Cream, Black Sabbath, Cirith Ungol, Metallica, soft rock like 70s light music is acceptable, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, SmashMouth, Sugar Ray, Latin music... any questions, just ask and I'll reply.
The Usual Suspects, Something About Mary, Citizen Kane, The Wild Bunch (possibly the best and most underrated western of all time), Apocalypse Now, Suspiria, Better Off Dead.
Chapelle's Show, Monk, Will and Grace, Frasier, Law and Order, Desperate Housewives, E.R., Grey's Anatomy, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Robot Chicken (the best program so far!)
Anything by H.P. Lovecraft, The Inhuman Condition by Clive Barker, The Gracie Way by Kid Peligro, Filipino Martial Culture by Mark Wiley, Case Closed by Gerald Posner, L.A. Confidential by James Ellroy (and others by him), On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Junkie by William S. Burroughs, The Black Dahlia Avenger by Steve Hodel and many more.