Suzie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

..This profile was edited with Space codes - Editor MySpace HELP Profile Help!My name is SuzieI am a sophisticated lady disguised as a tramp. I like drinking cheap Rose and falling into the gutter.I am not very good at myspace, I've had a profile for a year and I've just spent half an hour trying to change the colour. I want a nice profile but can't do it...

My Interests

I like wine, and Beauty and the Beast, and sparkly things, and generally all fun things.

I'd like to meet:

Nice people please.


I like music. It's fun to dance to.


Beauty and the Beast.


I like Hollyoaks and other shitty soaps, and property programmes.


The best book is Goodnight Mister Tom, makes me cry everytime.



My Blog

More crap..

Ooh seems I forgot about this thing. How stupid of me. Not much else to report though really, I lead a very boring life and am currently ill. Til next time x
Posted by Suzie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST