Laura profile picture



About Me

Considering I'm not 20 anymore or a student or obsessed with my singing halloween pussy decoration I thought I'd do what any reasonable person would do get ready for work since I gotta leave in half hour then I remembered I don't have a job (ha ha that would be funny and something) I do have a job but since I'm not reasonable by any means except I'm reasonably unreasonable I'm update my ever so important myspace about me. Here goes aww fuck it already left. I could do this for hours you know what else I could do for hours? myself. I wish don't have the stamina I used to when I was 20 like 1 month ago. Yeah I'm 21 I get to legally own a gun! See it makes no sense to me on the very same day I can legally purchase a gun I can procede to get all liquored up and be told in a bar that I cannot indulge in a ciggarette. FUCK THIS SMOKING BAN FUCK YOU IF YOU ARE A NON SMOKER I HATE YOU AND YOUR "OH MY GOD SMOKING IS BAD" ATTITUDE. when i see you I'm gonna fuck you up k? If you don't like my mother fucking second hand smoke don't fucking breathe. Smoking is my one true pure pleasure that has ALWAYS through thick and thin has been there for me and you dick wads can't handle that! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD TODAY I CAN'T SMOKE AT A BAR I CAN'T SMOKE AT WORK I CAN'T SMOKE AT THE STORE I CAN'T SMOKE AT THE BOWLING ALLEY THE STRIP CLUB I CAN'T SMOKE IN SCHOOL I CAN'T SMOKE AT THE HOSPITAL I CAN'T SMOKE IN BOULDER I CAN'T SMOKE AT A RESTRAUNT. WHICH RESOULTS IN I DON'T GO TO BARS I HATE MY JOB I ORDER WHAT I NEED OFF THE INTERNET I DON'T GO BOWLING I DON'T GO STRIPPING I DON'T GO TO SCHOOL I HATE DOCTORS EXPECIALLY HOSPITAL DOCTORS AND WELL I GUESS THAT I NEVER WAS ALLOWED TO SMOKE AT THE HOSPITAL BUT I SHOULD HAVE BEEN AND STILL SHOULD BE ALLOWED I DON'T GO TO BOULDER AND I NO LONGER EAT. SEE THIS SMOKING BAN IS KILLLING I'M DYING. But I could talk about that all day and night I even made shirts. Okay where was I oh yeah I'm home still. I have a wonderful little boy. He's three I love him to pieces but man do i hate other kids always have. I'm not a doctor, I don't have patience. Okay I don't hate kids I just don't like em we really don't have anything in common and using words like fuck shit piss ant fuck head faggot twat cunt and etc... is REALLY looked down upon when there are "little ears" around. Fuck that. But I love my baby and I love being a single parent cause I decide everything and sense I feel that I have better judgement than everyone and anyone that's a good thing. Well I better wrap this up and get my naked ass to work oh yeah I am proud of myself I really hate needles and pain but I didn't fag out yesterday i got my 'hood' pierced but not before having an VERY awkward conversation at macco in which i found out that getting your hood pierced has NOTHING to do with your car. So I'll break it down for you I'm 21 (huh I just almost put 19 out until I realized I'm not) I love to talk, talk shit, talk shit about your mom etch. I also love my kid, my car, myself (physically atleast once a night), I love to laugh, I love hookers just kidding, i love honesty! I love music, information I love to learn even stupid shit, I also enjoy tanning, being lazy, SMOKING how could i forget i love smoking and genuinely GOOD people. I hate narcs, snitches, churches, my parents, crack, disrepectfulness, liars, smoking bans, and BAD people, oh let's not forget cats i hate cats, bad drivers which is pretty much anyone other than myself, showering, the old lady at walmart and you know who you are it's not funny anymore in over a year ever time i go to walmart in the wee hours of the morning and shop and go to leave after paying for my items have i once had anything that was not on my reciept? NO bitch find a new hobby yeah my door swings both ways but your fucking older that dirt get me off me. The end-- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which one of the seven deadly sins are you?
You are lazy and love to lounge around.

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --

My Interests

Well mostly stuff that I find interesting.

I'd like to meet:

You in a dark alley some night.


These are some of my favorite artists and my favorite song of theirs; Sublime- all of it, T-pain- I'm in luv wit a stripper, Eminem- all of it, Field Mob- So What, Outkast- Humble Mumble, PJ Harvey- Rid of Me , New Radicals- Gotta Stay High, Violent Femmes- Prove My Love, The Kinks- Lola, Tori Amos- Mother, 3rd Eye Blind- Crystal Baller, Dada- posters and Here Today Gone Tomorrow, Cracker- Euro Trash Girl, Dave Matthews Band- The Space Between, Nirvana- Lithium, The Offspring- Hit that, Sublime- all of it, Hed PE- Crazy Legs or Killing Time, Chamilionaire- Roll Call, 50 cent- A baltimore love thing, Seven Year Bitch- I want it and 24,900. Um those are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head.


That one movie ya know with that one famous actor guy he stared in that other movie with that blonde chick. That skinny skanky chick is also in it. Something happens and they have to do or meet someone or something. And then at the end I think one of them or maybe both of them die or find money or go to jail or something. You know the movie I'm talking about right? Yeah it's my favorite.


Talk to Comcastards I fucking HATE those bitches.


We took a look. We saw a Nook. On his head he had a hook. On his hook he had a book. On his book was "How to Cook". We saw him sit an dtry to cook. He took a look at the book on the hook. But a Nook can't read, so a Nook can't cook. So what good to a Nook is a hook cook book? ~Dr. Seuss I like Dr Seuss and so does my son. I also like books about history and informational books.


Myself my son and good people

My Blog

Yeah he's a dick but,

Tony's got arrested again. They're charging him as a special offender. He's being held on a 50k bond and facing 24 to 48 years.
Posted by Laura on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 03:54:00 PST

Power outage

No not really I just didn't pay my electicity billl so they disconnected me and seeing as how I'm centimeters away from being evicted I'm not paying it instead I'm packing in the dark. any one wanna d...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:30:00 PST

Murder was the case they gave me

Dude so I got pulled over last night not once, but twice within an hour of each other. The first time because (and I'm not to upset about it actually made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside) I got pull...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:23:00 PST

Tony is a cock smoking nazi it is official

He hit me several times with a metal like baton thing. Once in my knee cap, once in my shin, on my foot and on my hand when I tried to block. I hate him. i went to the hospital and they gave...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:13:00 PST

Stupid hoe broke her toe

That rhymes. It's true though I broke my toe. Next time I'll wait for the car to come to a complete stop before exiting the vehicle. See the thing was I wasn't sure if the car was going to stop and be...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:05:00 PST

I gotta pee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

My God my eyeballs are floating. Damn my lazy ass. All  filled up and no one to pee on
Posted by Laura on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 04:23:00 PST

more stupid internet fun!

Ultimate Myspace Survey!Basics/PersonalFull name?:LauraWere you named after anyone/anything?:My Great Great GrandmotherWhat are your nicknames?:Her HighnessHow did you get your nicknames?:her HIGHness...
Posted by Laura on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:16:00 PST

I hear Adams county detention facility is nice this time of year

Fuck it has to be everyone seems to be visiting. Lets see currently I know 4 people in there, 1 peson who just got out, and I think 3 people who were not to long ago. It sucks.
Posted by Laura on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 04:05:00 PST

How I will die

I just love stupid internet quizzes!">> You scored as Gunshot. Your death will be by gunshot, probably because you are some important person o...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 01:11:00 PST

Okay there's a first for everything

I just got pulled over for the first official time EVER. Now before you go and make some stupid crack about my driving the officer pulled me over because my driver's side headlight was out. The best p...
Posted by Laura on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 01:48:00 PST