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RINGTONES NOW AVAILIBLEYou can now buy "The Weaver Project" EP on iTUNES, Rhapsody, Amazon MP3 and others please check us out, and you can get our ringtones By Clicking Here Then Click on MEDIA for availible ringtones
Hello my name is Garrett I am the Lead Singer/Songwriter/Acoustic Guitar Player of a band called "The Weaver Project", a Volunteer Firefighter for a small fire department in Missouri, and a Kansas certified Emergency Medical Technician *EMT*. Soon I will be a National Registry Certified EMT, as well as Kansas and Missouri Certified. I am also a member of the Historic Independence 76 Fire Company also known as the Independence 76ers, a member of the Independence C.E.R.T. Team. C.E.R.T. is Community Emergency Response Team, they train people to respond in an emergency situation in case emergency services can’t get there during disasters.
I am married to a wonderful woman named Beth, and we have 2 kids and our third is on the way.
Not only am I the Lead Singer for "The Weaver Project" I have worked with many other bands over the 13 years I have been involved in music. I was the drummer in a band called "Catch 22", the Background vocalist, and guitar player for a band called "Seductions Playground", as well as working with Kyle Lauridsen in a band called "Faded" where I was the Lead Singer.